Lucy side part 2

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Lucy POV
"Fairytail" we're here I say as me and Luna are walking towards the guild. "I'll finally see Natsu again and erza,gray,Wendy, levy, Carla and everyone else too" I think as me and my sister put on our clothes, but we're going to change our look and see if ppl recognize me.(ps I look so young and died my hair boi)



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We walked up the stairs and into fairytail 😆😆😆

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We walked up the stairs and into fairytail 😆😆😆.

Natsu POV

Wendy POV
I saw 2 girls come in and go to see master-San and I wondered if it was....wait Lucy?

Carla's vision...Could that be Lucy-san!?

Master~Hey Guys we have new members Lilly and Luna!

Me~Hello Lilly-San
Me~Can I challenge u to a battle
Lilly~sure we.. i mean yeah 👍

I concluded that it was Lucy~San.

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