Chapter Six

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Little Lies

       "You can't be serious. You're mad at me?" Ceres growled lowly at the dark skinned man, visored face moving to anakin. "And you! Did you seriously tattle even though everything turned out just fine in the end!?" Anakin opened his mouth to defend himself but master Windu was not tolerating her anger.

    "You need to learn to control your temper!" He all but boomed, "What would have happened if the chairman had lived and reported in on your temper and your actions? Do you think the pantoran government or even the senate would find you a good representative of the order? You could have cost us a planet in the Republic!" Someone clearing their throat ended the brief yet heated argument, Ceres' violet eyes moving from her old master to Master Plo.

     "She did what was necessary," he spoke calmly, "though I do agree that you need to get a better hold on your temper. All we want is for those around you to trust you and see the light in you, just as I have." Her violet eyes softened at the older mans words, finding comfort in his faith in her. "You can't very well do that if you allow those around you to set you off so easily." She gave a nod, missing the look Plo and Obi wan shared before the hologram faded. Ceres didn't wait for anyone to speak, moving out of the command center and down the hall. 'I've become so unbalanced and I've only been here two weeks,' how was she suppose to keep her agenda hidden when she could barely keep herself in check? 'It's the turmoil inside,' her hand moved absently to her chest, knowing that the dark and the light both burned within her. She had always relied on the darkside and fed into it but she had to pretend to be someone else on the ship and it was exhausting. She was effective and put together always but being here... it was causing her so much unbalance in such a short period of time. 'Maybe I just need to blow off some steam,' she found her feet taking her to the training facility on the ship. Walking in she found a good portion of the 501st and 212th all doing different sorts of training. Kix was spotting Waxer as he bench pressed, Boil was doing push ups on the ground near them, Hardcase also doing push ups though she could see he was trying to out do Boil who merely rolled his eyes as the younger man did one handed push ups. Ceres grinned at the action, violet eyes moving from the four Man group further into the fold. Crys stood across from Fives, both men in a fighting position while Echo lounged to the side reading what appeared to be reg manuals. Several other clones were scattered around the room but Ceres paid them no mind. She moved across the room, violet eyes landing on Ahsoka who held two wooden sticks that looked to be about the length of her saber. 'Practicing to be a duel wielder?' She smiled as the girl danced around a training droid, her blue eyes focused.

      "Good afternoon general," Her violet eyes landed on Jesse who had made his way over to her, his dark eyes moving to the wrestling brothers. "Did you need any of us for something?" 'Do Generals Not normally do this?' She wondered briefly before completely dismissing the thought. 'Just because they don't do it doesn't mean I don't want to do it.'

      "No, actually I came to blow off some steam. So, if any of you think you can handle me, I'd love to spar with you guys."

      "Hell yeah!" Hardcase declared enthusiastically, having lost interest in Boil and joining her and Jesse. "Crys, Fives, wanna throw down with the General?" Ceres rolled her violet eyes at Hardcases phrasing, Fives briefly loosening his grip around Crys neck so that he could give an answer.

       "Yeah, I'd be down. I've never fought a Jedi before," Ceres removed her lightsaber from her hip, Echo catching it without even looking up at her as it flew across the room.

        "It's okay, I'll make sure to go easy on all of you. I'd hate to embarrass any of you," there was a playfulness to the computerized voice that caused the troopers to all share a glance with one another. "So, who's first?" Fives released Crys to volunteer when Hardcase jumped in front of him.

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