Character Sheet

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Introduction of Character
Name: Ceres Dooku
Age: Nineteen years old
Gender: Female
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual
Nickname(s): Kitty/Kitten, Princess
Alias(es): Eris, Calico
Era: Clone Wars
Birth Date:
Status: Alive
Species: Human/Not

Ethnicity: White
Blood Type: O-
Affiliations/Organizations: Galactic Republic, Jedi Order, Order of the Sith Lords
Occupation: Sith

The Character's Appearance

General Appearance:
She was breathtaking, a wingless angel that seemed to have landed in the arms of her mother, with her whisps of silvery white hair and ever changing golden eyes. She had grown up being told that she was beautiful, her golden gaze surrounded by thick dark lashes that reminder those around of her of wings and her skin as smooth as porcelain. She had taken after her mother in very few ways but her appearance was something she had been graced with. Much her mother before her she had high cheek bones and full pink lips that seemed to always draw those foolish enough to be charmed by her beauty. Even those who had thought they could escape her spell were always pulled back by her melodic voice, allowing their hungry eyes to graze over her slender waist and large chest. She was breathtaking and she knew it, never stopping in her journey of using her body and crushing men and women everywhere.
Height: 5'6
Mass: 51.25 kgs
Weight: 113 lbs
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Has tribal looking black tattoos on her back and around her upper arms- From her elbow up.
Has ears tripple pierced, normally wears simple small silver hoops and a simple black choker with a crystal shaped like a cat. Occasionally wears bracelets up both of her arms.

About the Character

Aurora is dark, burning with blinding rage and a temper that is easily pulled up. Her Darkness fuels her power and has made her one of the most feared members in the Empire. She is ruthless, calculating, and cold, willing to kill those who get in the way of her success, even if they're her own people. Despite this, she has always had a pull with people, easily manipulating them and tricking them into giving her what she wants with her good looks and small stature. It's one of her favorite things to do, destroy those who are foolish enough to doubt her. Despite her dark tendencies, she has always felt a pull to the light, showing those she dubs worthy enough her softer side, though that doesn't always mean she's kind to them. Sometimes she makes friends and spares people, other times she decides to torture them less before slaughtering them. Aurora also enjoys teasing those around her and picking fights though that doesn't always mean she doesn't cad for those people.
Favorites: Music, dancing, sleeping, fighting, reading, playing piano, and killing
Least Favorites: meditating, long missions, having nothing to do, being treated like a child
Playing piano, fighting, training, reading, walking, video games, racing
Losing her mother. Becoming her brother/father. Losing her Padawan. Loss, to put it simply.
- Runs her hands through her hair when she's feeling self conscious or nervous
-Practices using her lightsaber when she's angry or anxious
-Paces around to clear her head
-bad habit of being too blunt and short tempered
-Laughs when she laughs to pick a fight

Aurora speaks confidently and carries herself with such. Despite the confidence she does her best to speak to everyone the same, until they piss her off.
Aurora is an extremely talented fighter, being dubbed a prodigy from a young age. She is smooth talking and quick on her toes, easily overcoming any obstacles that come her way. She has great aim with a blaster, having enjoyed making wagers and bets to win money. Her mind abilities are beyond what many expect though that isn't surprising since her attractiveness and friendly disposition tend to disarm people. She also a great gambler, having an amazing poker face.
Best Qualities:
- determined
- Resilient
- Kind
Worst Qualities:
- hot headed
- Stubborn
- Ruthless
- False
- Egotistical
She always believed she didn't support unnecessary bloodshed and violence but she's found that to be untrue. Now, she's less sure.
None, she does what she needs and lives in the moment.

The Character's Relationship With Others

Is seen as a powerful Sith and is feared by many though most don't know what she looks like.
Love Interest(s):
Anakin Skywalker: Shared feelings for one another as younglings though things have changed. Isn't sure how she feels about him anymore.
Captain Rex: Has feelings for him but is unsure what to do about them since he's a clone.
Ahsoka Tano
Obi Wan Kenobi
Captain Cody
GAR and anyone who follows it
The Jedi Council

- Count Dooku:
Is Auroras Father and her Master. He is the reason she joined the dark side and the reason she's worked so hard to impress those around her.
- Countess Dooku
Is Auroras Mother and most valued person. They had a close relationship while Aurora grew up but grew apart when she was taken to join the Jedi. When her father liberated her and she joined the Sith, her mother came along. Her mother was a brilliant scientist and is force sensitive. She is the reason Aurora is... different from those around her.
- Cronus Dooku: Darth Nallic
Auroras older brother and Sith Master. They trained together and had a close relationship growing up until he... did something unforgivable. Aurora left him for dead but found out that he was saved and taken in by a different Sith Master. Their relationship is complicated.
- Eros Takanori: Darth Daerta
Fiancé of Aurora, or at least he was. He is trained with Nallic and Eris as children and becomes a Sith Lord quickly, showing great skill, though his praise is never sang as loudly as Eris is Nallic, given that they are Dookus children.
- Rhea Dooku: Eldest sibling of the Dooku siblings. Originally became a Jedi but found no joy in the job, finding herself more interested in how things and people worked. Became a healer before defecting and getting into mechanics.
- Theia Dooku: Youngest sibling of the Dooku siblings. Became a padawan with her older siblings but decided to defect with her family when they turned to the darkside. Despite her heart falling her to the light she did her best to appease her family and most importantly, her father. Her attempts were honest but wouldn't save her from her fate once it had been decided.
- Zelda Lymph:
Aurora's(Eris) apprentice and closest ally. She dubs Ceres her savior and the person she strives to be like the most. The pair are exceptionally close.
* There will be other characters though they will pop up later. I also don't want to go too deeply into her relationships with those in the GAR and Jedi Council.

The Character's Abilities

Force sensitive: Yes
Light or Dark?: Dark

Rank: Knight/Assassin

Master(s): Several
Apprentice(s): Zelda
Color of Lightsaber: Black, double sided lightsaber (like what Darth Maul uses).

Clone Trooper?: No

Darkside abilities and other traits of the force.
Origin of Powers:
She was born with all of them though some were... made for her before birth
She is extremely well versed in the darkside
Despite her abilities, her weakness lies in her temper and the ever growing Darkness in her heart.

Preferred Weapon(s):
- Lightsaber
- Blaster
- Force

Knowledge: 9/10
Conceptualization Power: 9/10
Motivation: 5/10
Will to Act: 9/10
Agility: 9/10
Force Control: 8/10
Swordsmanship: 8/10
Hand-to-Hand Combat: 7.6/10
Long Range Accuracy: 9/10
Piloting Skills: 8/10
Offense: 10/10
Defense: 8/10
Social Skills: 10/10

The Character's Familial/Biographical Information

Birthplace: Serenno
Homeworld: Serenno
Family: Dooku
- Count Dooku:
Is Auroras Father and her Master. He is the reason she joined the dark side and the reason she's worked so hard to impress those around her.
- Countess Dooku
Is Auroras Mother and most valued person. They had a close relationship while Aurora grew up but grew apart when she was taken to join the Jedi. When her father liberated her and she joined the Sith, her mother came along. Her mother was a brilliant scientist and is force sensitive. She is the reason Aurora is... different from those around her.
- Aaron Dooku: Darth Nallic
Auroras older brother and Sith Master. They trained together and had a close relationship growing up until he... did something unforgivable. Aurora left him for dead but found out that he was saved and taken in by a different Sith Master. Their relationship is complicated.

Familial Background:

Character Background:

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