Chapter Twelve

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Hear Me Now

The words blurred across the page, Ceres' groaning as she leaned back and pinched her eyes shut. Several books laid scattered around her on the table while others sat on the floor around her, having been discarded when she realized they were of no use to her. Releasing an irritated sigh, she opened her eyes to continue her research when Master Jocasta came into view. 'Kriffling Hell,' she felt her lips twist into a frown, knowing what the woman was about to say.

"Didn't I tell you to go get some rest, Ceres?" Ceres forced her mind to clear, steadying her emotions before responding to the older displeased Jedi.

"I did," the older woman arched a brow, clearly not believing a word. 'So much for coming off as convincing,' she felt her lips twist into a frown, hating that she had, apparently, been so easily caught in the lie.

"Your face tells me otherwise," her eyes scrunched in confusion, reaching up absently to touch her face, only to hiss when her finger tips brushed below her eyes. "They're quite pronounced, especially for someone your age. How long has it been? 3 days or has it been the full week that your padawan and Anakin have been gone?" 'They've already been gone for a week?' Her brows cinched in confusion, remembering that they had been sent to Ryloth to help break the blockade around the planet. 'I thought they had only left a day or two ago...' Ceres blinked in confusion, watching as the books around her began to float away, taking their places back on the shelves she had found them on.

"Master, i need those," she squeaked out, hands moving to try and stop the woman but the master Jedi wasn't about to hear it. Stepping closer, her hand closed around the book in her hands, giving it a final tug as she stepped away with it, the thick dark book floating across the library.

"I know the knowledge you seek, young one but just because you read how to do something does not mean you can safely put it into practice. The only Jedi that lives that could heal what was so carelessly broken is Asteria Black." Ceres' yellow eyes narrowed at the table before her.

"Don't you think I know that?" She hadn't meant to snap at the older woman yet she found herself so furious. "She's always excelled at fixing the mental injuries Jedi and other force users inflict yet she never thought to teach anyone but Rhea those skills. And now Rheas in a coma and Asteria has joined the separatists. What else can I do but try and find an answer in these books? It's not like I can go to her or anything. She's a separatist!" Jocasta sighed, placing a withered hand gently on the teary eyed young woman's shoulder.

"I believe you know a rather temperamental Council member that could offer you assistance in your endeavors. All you have to do is ask," her eyes narrowed at her feet, a frown marring her face. She hadn't wanted to ask him, let alone involve the council at all given that she was suppose to be detached and emotionless. 'Yet they know that you're a Sith,' her fingers brushed her temple, yellow eyes closing. 'Maybe they'll understand,' though it was much more likely that they wouldn't. Sighing, she rubbed her aching eyes, pushing herself to her feet.

"I'll think about it, now, it looks like I'll be taking your advice, Master." She bowed lightly to the librarian before slipping out of the library and to her own room. Taking a quick shower she started dressing, smearing lotion across her skin before her after shower ritual was interrupted. "Ceres," she spoke into the commlink, a small smile twitching at her lips when the person who called for her spoke.

"Hello master! Master Kenobi and Sky guy require your presence in the command center," Ceres hummed in approval, grabbing her armor and slipping it on. Reaching up, she pressed a sensor on her neck, activating the helmet.

"I'm on my way," she grinned as her hand absently ran over the now repaired helmet. Pricus had fixed it while she was in the temple healing, knowing that she would likely need it sooner rather than later. 'Speaking of,' she frowned, having realized she hadn't seen him since they had been on the train. 'Atlas did say he had taken a position within the GAR. Maybe he's just busy,' 'too busy to visit the woman he claims to love.' Ceres shook her head, forcing the anger she felt towards the older man down. She couldn't seem unbalanced when she arrived on the bridge or she'd never hear the end of it. Leaning back, her yellow eyes pinched shut, a soft sigh leaving her lips before the elevator dinged, the doors opening before her.

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