Chapter 1: Drunk-Boy

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I threw my head back as I downed a shot of blue UV. I shook my head as I swallowed, the taste of it burning my throat. My buddies were laughing as they watched my face. "Shut up." I said playfully shoving them.

"You're so weak." My friend Jayden laughed, shoving me back.

"It tastes like blueberry cough medicine." I stuck my tongue out in disgust.

"It's about time someone takes away your alcohol virginity." Jayden teased.

I faked a smile as it reminded me I had yet to lose my actual virginity. The rest of my friends had lost theirs already and I was the only one left. Jayden was the only one who knew I was still a virgin. "Pour me another." I was determined to get wasted tonight. Out of all my friends I was seen as the "good" one and I was sick of it.

I stumbled towards to the bathroom, my vision out of focus. I fell into someone knocking us both on the hard wood floor in the hallway.

"Are you gonna lay here all day or are you gonna get the hell off of me?" I heard a voice sneer beneath me.

I lifted my head up and looked at her face. Her chocolate eyes were big and brighter than anything I had ever seen. Then again I'd also never been this drunk. Her brunette hair had fallen around her head framing her square baby face. Her scent was earthy, and making me feel more intoxicated than I already was.

"Hello? Anyone in that big head of yours?" Her voice was soft but filled with sarcasm and cynicism.

"Isoryeah." I slurred as I rolled off of her. "Wherdithebathrogo?" I looked up to see a white wall and no bathroom. I swore it was there a second ago before I fell.

"It's still there genius, you have to stand up first." The girl laughed as she looked down at me.

"Stanup? Thalookshar." The baby faced girl was now spinning above me. "Whyaryaspinnin?"

"I'm not. Now take my hand." She said offering it to me.

I reached for her hand missing but she compensated for my misjudgment and pulled me to my feet. "Tha-"The spinning had increased and I suddenly felt like everything I had ever ate was going to spill out of my mouth and it did. I thankfully missed her and my new shoes.

"You couldn't have waited 5 seconds until we reached the bathroom?" The girl shook her head.

"WelIstillhavtopee." I slurred as I tried to walk into the bathroom but stumbled and caught myself against the wall.

"Where are your friends?" She asked.


"How I always end up babysitting is beyond me." She said as she pulled me off the wall and walked me into the bathroom. "Support yourself on the sink, I'm not helping you pee." She walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

After I had finished I stumbled out of the bathroom, surprised to see the chocolate eyed girl waiting there for me.

"Did you wash your hands?" I shook my head no. "Boys disgust me. Sit." She said pointing to the floor. I slid down the wall and sat on the wood floor as she handed me a glass of water and a slice of bread. "Drink and eat so you sober the hell up." She sat next to me as I did what I was told.

"Can you tell me who you're here with so I can attempt to go find them and maybe they will be sober enough to take you home?" She asked after a while.

"Jaenool." I slurred as my eyes began to feel heavy, a nap sounded real nice.

"Jayden Poole? Yup, just kidding not talking to him. He's an asshole."

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