Chapter 4: Bet on It

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I buried my head in my arms, wishing the pounding would end. Ryan had hit me hard and I was pretty sure I had a concussion.

"Why are you still out here Drunk-Boy?" I looked up to see Saylor.

"Why'd you comeback?"

"I just needed to cool off. I see you still haven't cleaned up your face."

"It hurts to move." I groaned, placing my head back in my arms.

"Man up. You got yourself into this mess, now deal with it."

"Aren't girls supposed to make me feel better? Aren't you the ones who baby us and nurse us back to health?"

"When are you going to learn, Drunk-boy, that I'm not most girls? If you want one to kiss your booboos, I suggest finding one of Jayden's many whores."

"I feel like there is more between you and Jayden than you're letting me know." I mumbled into the sleeve of my shirt. I groaned as she pulled me off the steps and back inside.

We walked into the kitchen and she shoved me into a chair. I watched as she dug through Jayden's freezer before she came out with a bag of frozen corn. She wrapped it in a towel from the counter and threw it at me. "Put it on your face. Have fun explaining this one to your parents." She laughed as she continued to hunt through Jayden's cabinets.

"What the hell did you do?" Jayden stopped when he saw me. I watched as his eyes traveled to Saylor. "And what the hell are you doing in my house?"
"I was invited." She sneered as she continued searching.

"By who? Because I sure as hell did not." He crossed his arms.

"I invited her." I flinched as any movements in my face hurt.

"Since when are you friends?" He demanded.

"Since my best friend ditched my drunk ass at the party last weekend so he could sneak some girl into his house and sleep with her."

"Jayden, does your family believe in first aid kits?" She shut the last cabinet door defeated.

"Bathroom. Right counter drawer." He sighed. She brushed past him. "So, who fucked up your face?" He was still unapologetic about last weekend.

"Saylor's college boyfriend. He was hurting her, so I stepped in and he kicked my ass. Fun times."

"Look, Noah, Saylor isn't the crowd you wanna be hanging around."
"What makes you the judge of that?"

"She's just not a good person, dude. Look, nothing good is going to come from being around her. You're already hurt. It will only get worse." He shut up as Saylor walked back into the kitchen.

"Don't you have some girl you need to sleep with Jayden?" She snapped as she opened the first aid kit on the counter and pulled out some alcohol wipes.

"Multiple." He winked as he walked out of the kitchen leaving Saylor and I alone.

"Ouch." I yelled as she ran the wipes across the cuts on my face.

"You're beginning to make me feel like they're two people with vaginas in this room." She laughed as she washed the rest of the blood off of my face.

"Switch places with me and tell me this doesn't hurt like a bitch." I chuckled.

"I would-" She was cut off by her cellphone ringing in her back pocket. I watched as she dug it out and answered it. "Yeah, I'm still here. Okay, I'll be right out." She pressed end. "That was Ryan. He's back."

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