Chapter 5: Can't Help It

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I quietly shut the front door of my house Saturday afternoon and tiptoed up the stairs. I still didn't have a good lie to tell my parents about my face and man did it look horrible. My eye was swollen with a wonderful purple circle around it. Along with my lip being cut.

"Noah?" I heard my mom call up the stairs.

"Yeah?" I yelled back, praying she wasn't going to come up the stairs.

"Why didn't you come say hi?" She asked as I started to hear her footsteps on the stairs.

"I'm jumping in the shower!" I ran across the hall and into the bathroom, closing the door behind me and locking it. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. There was no way I could hide that but I still needed a story. I couldn't tell her I got into a fight at a party. Especially, Jayden's party. She'd tell his parents and that would be the end of everything.

I turned on the shower, running my hands through the water to make sure it was warm. I pulled my shirt over my head, being careful not to have it rub against my eye. I pulled of my socks and dropped them on the tiled floor before sliding my jeans and briefs onto the floor. I ran my fingers through my brown curls as I stepped into the shower, the warm water running down my body.

I dried myself off with a towel before wrapping it around my waist. I picked my dirty clothes off the floor as I opened the bathroom door and walked quickly down the hall towards my room, before I could reach my door, my dad walked out of my parents' bedroom, walking into me.

"Oh, hey, Noah." He said backing off, I watched his eyes widen as he looked at my face. "Has your mother seen that?" He nodded towards my eye.

"Not yet." I looked at my bare feet.

"What'd you do?" He asked with his arms crossed.

"I, uh, was wrestling with the guys, and you know uh, things got out of hand, and uh one of them elbowed me in the face."

"You can try telling your mom that, but I know right hook when I see one." He raised his eyebrows. "Also, before you tell your mom, get rid of all the uh's in your explanation. You get one free pass from me but if I see you've been in a fight again, you're not getting of easy, got it?"

"Yes, sir." I nodded in appreciation.

After throwing on a pair of grey sweatpants, I went down the stairs and into the kitchen to talk to my mom. I could smell the alfredo on the stove, making my mouth water. "Hey, Ma." I said sitting down at the island in the kitchen.

"Hey, Hun, how was-" she cut off her sentence as she turned from the stove and saw my face. "Noah James Butler, what on earth happened to your eye?" She turned down the stove and rushed to my side, putting my face between her hands to get a better look.

"I was rough housing with the guys and Tyler's elbow slipped and got me in the eye and I bit my lip. No big deal, didn't hurt too bad." I tried playing it off cool. I made sure to skip over any ums and I was slightly more specific.

"Well, now you're going to look just perfect for our Christmas pictures." She said disappointed. She took a few steps towards the freezer and retrieved and icepack and wrapped it in a towel before handing it to me. "Put this on your face, it'll help the swelling go down."

I did as I was told and placed the icepack over my eye. I was relieved she bought my story. The last thing I wanted was to get busted for the party.

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