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A day started,
A day ended
The gears of fate
Moves as fated

I was created by this
Past tragedies in mind
A darkness in my heart
No where to find

I wondered on the horizon
Gaining nothing
As I lose everything
Fighting for someone or something


I looked to the poem on my desk; a half-baked work in progress.

I don't know why but each time I wake up from these 'dreams', I feel empty as if I lost something. Each day I woke up, my mind went hazy as if trying to remember something. Even so, I can't do anything since it's just a dream.

Summon Screen

A semi-transparent screen hovers in front of me, depicting everything I need to know. In this case : Time.

5.34 am

Almost time for her to wake up. Closing my notebook, I lazily equip my long sleeved brown leather shirt and a long black slacks.

I stood in front of the mirror and studied myself. Black unorganized hair, dark spots under my hazel-brown eyes and some scars on my right arm.

Exactly like a beggar

After trying to organise my unhinged hair I walked out from my room, revealing a splash of orange into my eye.

Good morning hari. I guess it's another day of hunting.

I leaned on the railings outside the apartment, absorbing the scene before me. The illuminated orange sky, tainted with faint white clouds.

"Humm~ " A familiar voice hummed beyond the door. Finally she was awake.

I turned around and walked to her door, standing in front of it.

The door opened; revealing a dainty girl by the name of Lele Floura. Her wavy brown hair flows along with the wind. Her emerald-green eyes looked at me with expectant.

"Kept you waiting?" She smiled sheepishly.

"Nah, I was admiring the view like always." I said looking back to the horizon.

"Well, we should be at the guild by now~ So let's go!" She pumped her arm to the sky.

Another day of hunting as always in this reality.


We casually strolled across the main road, the signs of shops pops up in my view. Blacksmith, normal shops, spa and those kinds of shops.

I guess the government really do take time to label everything in Negara.

The faint sound of birds chirping and the annoying alarm clocks going off, the main road is quite clear of people today. Lele was humming softly next to me as she held the hem of my shirt.

As we move towards the town square, three statues came into view -- the Pure Cores.

The Core of Creation and The core of Concept.

The core of creation was split into two, A normal looking guy with unkempt hair, wearing simple tee shirt and pants(Bit) and a petite girl with medium length hair, wearing a simple dress that covers the top body until her knee (Byte).

Bit was also known as 'The Core of Tangible Creation' ; Byte was known as 'The Core of Intangible Creation'

For The Core of Concept, Sato, he looks like a NEET so to say... unkept and a bit long hair, torn shirt and shorts.

I bowed in front of the statue and Lele followed my actions. Later after praying a while we continue to move towards our destination -- The Guild.

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