Chaper 1 : Quests

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The calm and relaxing day was really refreshing. The orange tint of dawn illuminated most if the streets.

The girl beside me hummed her tune as she held the hem of my shirt. Combine this with the soft whispers of the wind, life is quite perfect.

As we walked a few more steps, the guild icon popped into view. A small icon over the building with a line connecting it to the building.

The guild was basically a centre for all adventurers and merchants. Everything from the bar, quests and trading could be done here. A one stop market for all your basic needs~

"We're here." I said as we inched closer to the guild.

"Really? Aww. I wanna spend more time!" She pouted at me.

"Maybe later? I mean we still have to work you know." I could only scratch the back of my head at her responses.

"Fineeee. Then, let's go!" She ran in front of me then looked back. "Come onnnnnn!"

"Yeah yeah, I'm comming!" So, I ran with Lele into the guild.

As we entered the main door, we walked towards the receptionist desk. There a black-haired girl stood, waving at us. She was wearing the basic blue-black uniform for staff guld members and a silver guild batch with her name imprinted on it, Mira.

"Good morning Katamari-san, Floura-chan " she said as she gave one of her bright and cheery smile.

"Morning Mira-chan~" said my equally cheery partner.

Her looks were one one of the hot topics amongst us male adventurers as she looked very young... around 23? I mean her age is one of the mysteries in the guild. But it's rude to ask a girl's age...

Anyways, I have other things to do than to talk to myself.

"Heya, Mira-san. May I look at the quest selection?"

"Sure, access granted! Hey hey, Lele-chan did you know tha...."

Well there they go again... girls, I never understood why they gosip.

Screen Summon : Quest

A similar semi-transparent screen appeared before me, listing every request that is available. Also, there is a small button to request a quest, provided that they have the quest reward ready.

I walked to the bar and sat down on one of the free tables. The smell of alcohol and the noisy chattering amongst adventurers fitted the bar atmosphere.

"Yo, Noy, wassup? Happen to be alone? Or are you interested to keep this old man accompanied?" A very familiar voice called out to me snapping my focus on the quests and ... other problems in my mind.

"Nah, I'm fine old man. Just thinking about what quest shall I take."

"Really now? It seems like there is more on your mind. If you don't mind, this old man has a lot of time to spare." He said with a friendly smile.

As expected from him, knowing what exactly was plaguing my mind.

This man is Hang Tuah, the legendary semi-core warrior. Sorry, ex-legendary semi-core warrior. Now, he was just the bar master after the second Integral Occurance.

Even so, every adventurer treats him as if he was our grandfather... cause he does acts like one... Everyone respected him and everyone liked him -- both as a grandfather and a hero.

"Well.... I mean it's about me and her..." I silently confessed to him not wanting the others to hear.

"Ohh, you two... if I am not mistaken she confessed to you, right?" He said as he brushed his beard.

"Yeah, but the thing is I never said replied. No, I said 'I'll reply later'"

"Huh. Just take some time to think about it, kay. Oh, and for the quest thingy, can you do this old man a favour? Of course I'll pay the reward." A mischievous smile hanged on the old man's face.

"Yeah, sure. Why not. Tell me the details and I'll be on my way. Adventurer Noy is on the quest."
I said as I extended my hand towards him.

He took my hand and smiled back. "Yeah, I'll give you the details now."


A few moments later me and Lele were in the abysmal forest -- a forest famous for it's diversity of monsters. This place was closed for the public and only given access to adventurers with a rank of silver and above.

Currently, I am equipping my leather shirt + metal brestplate armour on top of my shirt. Got some iron platings on my shoulder, forearm and my legs. My iron blade was resting on my right hip; ready to be used at any time.

As for Lele, she was equipping the same as me, metal brestplate, leather shirt and a grey skirt, covered with some metal strips. Her legs were covered with a pair of knee-high black socks. In her hand was a ruby staff made especially for her magic and a silver bow on her back -- also using magic as the arrows.

We lesuirely walked down the rocky road, having occasional chitchat along the way. Lele like always was holding my sleeves.

Summon screen : Current Quest

Like always, a semi-transparent screen popped out showing me what to do and my our destination.


Current Quest
~Retrieve items and kill the goblins

Requestor : Hang Tuah
Reward : ???


As such, it would seem we were almost at the 'fortress' that the old man was talking about is near.

"Lele, were here. Let's use our simple strategy like always. I'll be the vanguard, you'll support me from afar."

"Ah~ Sure! We just need to grandfather's items so it shouldn't be that hard~" she said as she twirled her staff.

"Yeah, I suppose."

As so after a few more moments, we were at what seems to be a forgotten ruins. Pulling my sword out, we got ready to fight in this reality once more.

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