Meeting the boys

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Skylar's POV: November 13, 2014

Dylan, Max, Jessica, and I were walking through the arena in Phoenix, Arizona. We were about to meet the 4 Australian boys who invited us to be their opening act on their Rock Out With Your Socks Out tour. We were led into their dressing room where they lit up upon our arrival. The 4 boys walked up to us and created us with warm smiles. Soon people were pairing off. Dylan hung out with Ashton, Jessica hung out with Calum, and Max, and I hung out with Luke and Michael. I was sitting next to Michael on a small couch across from max on a small couch with Luke. Max was talking to Luke and I was watching Michael play the acoustic guitar he held in his hands.

"You look familiar" Michael says as he catches me watching him play, Making eye contact with me.

"I have a pretty common face, maybe it's a coincidence" I say calmly as I remember the real time I met him for the first time and smile that he might remember me.

~Flashback September 16, 2014~
I was walking back to my car after the one Direction show through an ally when a door swung open and a boy walked right into me knocking me down and leaving him to trip over on top of me.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry" I hear an Australian accent ring through my ear before his green eyes met mine

"No it's okay Michael. I mean uh-" I was cut off by him chuckling and getting up and extending his hand to me

"Here let me help you up" I smile and take his outstretched hand and gets up stumbling into his arms as I try to stand on my right foot which is aching in pain.

"Are you hurt? Here let me take you inside and I'll have a medic look at your ankle" he swiped a card in the door and we walked inside as he quickly picked me up in his arms, carrying me bridal style through the hallway. He opened the door to their presumed dressing room as I heard Calum's voice

"Are you done pouting about loosing FIFA?" As he looked up and was surprised to see him carrying someone. He placed me down on a couch across from Calum, Luke, and Ashton. They watched Michael as he walked out of the room without saying a word then looked back at me confused as I spoke up

"I was walking to my car and I took a shortcut through an ally and he kind of ran out of the venue and knocked me over and I think he landed on my ankle because I could barely walk so he told me he'd get a medic" I explained and They nodded as michael came back in with a medic.

"Michael, you broke a fan. Good job." Luke spoke as Michael sat down next to me

"We don't know that she's broken, it could just be sprained. I hope it's okay. I'm sorry I hurt you. You're too pretty to need crutches" michael said placing his hand on my knee

"It's okay, more like pretty clumsy" I say looking away from him as I blush

"Awe she's blushing"Ashton announces as Calum hits him and Michael chuckles as I catch his eye watching me as I turn back to face him. Michael was about to speak when the medic spoke

"It's not broken, just twisted. She should be fine after she ices it" michael gives a sigh of relief as the medic puts a bag of ice on my ankle then exists the dressing room. They were still staring at me so I announced

"Well I should probably be getting home" I said as I went to get up and Michael stopped me sitting me back down.

"I'll walk you to your car. It's no problem, I feel bad I hurt you." I smile and agree to let him walk me to my car. He gets up and wraps his arm around my waist, helping me walk back to my car

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you?" He asked.

"I'm sure. Bye Michael." I say as I begin to roll up my window

"Wait, what's your name?" He asks


"what if I wanna talk to you again?" He asked

"Maybe you'll almost break my other ankle when you come back in November." I answer and roll up my window and drive away before he can protest. He won't even remember me in 2 days.

~Flashback Over~

"No I swear I've seen you before" michael speaks then his eyes widen and he jumps up yelling

"YOU'RE THE GIRL I ALMOST BROKE IN SEPTEMBER" suddenly everyone is looking at me.

"Why didn't you say anything?" He asks and I shrug

"I figured you would forget about it. You meet dozens of girls everyday" I spoke softly and got up walking out of the room as I hear footsteps following me

"Hey, wait. Skylar wait!" He shouts as he catches up to me

"I can't believe how lucky I am. I tried to find you but you're very hidden on social media"

"Yeah my profile picture is you" I giggle and he smiles at me as I heaR the sound of heels walking through the corridor. I look towards the sound and see a girl with black hair advancing towards us. I hear michael mumble something under his breath then I look back at him to see him look to her.

"Hey Alyssa-" he starts before she cuts him off

"Who's this little girl?" She says gesturing to me.

"Actually she's 18 and she's the lead singer of our opening act-" he says before he's cut off by her again.

"Mm, I don't really care. Are you ready to go?" She asks and he sighs

"I totally forgot about that. I'm sorry, we have to show the new band around and give them the run down of-"

"Ugh, I'll text your manager then" she cuts him off one final time before walking off and I'm left confused.

"I'm kind of being forced to date her for publicity. I think it's stupid." He sighs and puts his arm around my shoulders walking back to the dressing room with me.

The next hour was filled with a lot of information relayed and long hallways that all look the same. Soon it was time for a soundcheck and soon it was time for us to go on stage before the boys

"Are you excited?" Michael asked as they were talking to us backstage

"More nervous, I don't know if you'll believe it but I have the worst stage fright. Somehow I can just change on stage into something new. I don't know how it works because I'm the most awkward, nerdy, insecure person but I just go out there and put myself out there somehow. I'm sorry you probably think I'm crazy." I giggle as he smiles.

"Nah, just cute. Good luck out there" he smiles and gives me a hug before walking off with the boys. We preformed a few songs and then 5SOS went on stage and killed it.

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