LA House

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Michaels POV:
After the Phoenix show we headed to California for our forum show then we were staying there for 6 months to work on the next album and then start our tour for the next 5 months. We decided to invite the band with us to get to know them better. We were all staying at a house in LA. I was sitting on the couch when I saw Skylar walk inside the house and drop a set of keys on the counter, carrying bags. She smiled at me and walked straight into the kitchen, I quickly got up and followed her into the kitchen.

"What's all that?" I asked as she jumped turning around to great me because she didn't hear me come in.

"Jeez Michael, you almost gave me a heart attack! It's food, I'm making breakfast!" She smiled and I watched her pull out ingredients for eggs, bacon, sausage, French toast, fruit, and hash browns

"Can I help?" I say as her blue eyes meet mine

"Can you cook?" She asked

"No but I'm a great taste tester!" I said and grinned and she nodded

"That sounds perfect, plus I love company!" She said giggling afterwards

"You have a cute laugh" I said as I caught her blushing out of the corner of my eye.

After we finished cooking, and by we I mean her, I helped her to set everything out on the massive kitchen table we had to fit all 8 of us. I watched as Skylar came out of the kitchen with pots and pans and hands me 2

"What's this for?" I asked confused

"To wake everyone up" she said flashing a devilish smile as I laughed and follows her banging pots and pans together yelling wake up. Everyone got up and reluctantly stared to get dressed while Luke stayed in bed. I watched as Skylar walked into his room and jumped on top of him starting to mess with his hair as he groaned

"Mmmm, 5 more minutes" he said pushing her off of him onto the floor. She glared at him and walked out of the room quickly coming back in with a cup of water. I watched as she poured the water on his head and he shot up startled

"WHAT THE FUCK?" He spoke confused then looked at Skylar then to me then back to Skylar as she leaned in and whispered something in his ear and then walked out of the room flashing me a sweet smile as she brushed up against me and Luke was left surprised

"What did she say?" I asked curious

"She said that if I ever push her off like that again she'll make me regret it. What does that mean? She's like a foot shorter then me, what could she do?" Luke spoke confident

"I don't know Luke, I spent the whole night with her talking and I helped her with breakfast this morning. She's pretty smart. I bet she'd get revenge in a good way" I spoke as he looked scared

"Luke, you better be getting dressed" we heard her yell from the hallway as I watched him get out of the bed the quickest I've ever seen him and I just laughed and walked out of the room only to bump into Skylar and we fell to the ground, me landing on top of her

"Why do we keep meeting like this?" I smirk as she smiles and shakes her head. I stand and help her to her feet and we walk to the kitchen me placing my arm around her as we walk into the dinning room. Skylar walks out of my grip and gives everyone at the table a hug saying good morning then sits down as I sit next to her. Luke is the last one to come in and sits on the other side of Skylar

"Good morning sleeping beauty," she says as Luke glares at her.

"You really made breakfast for us? That's so sweet of you!" Calum says from across the table.

"That's Skylar. She loves doing nice things for people. Sometimes I wonder if she's actually a Disney princess!" Jessica speaks as the rest of her band nod in agreement.

After breakfast mostly everyone goes back to sleep and I'm sitting on the couch with Skylar watching some random movie on cable.

"Hey, wanna do something today?" I ask looking at Skylar

"What did you have in mind?" She asks looking up at me

"I don't mind, whatever you want to do." I say looking into her eyes.

"What about ice skating?" She asks and I nod as she shoots up and goes to get dressed. She walks out in a white cat sweater and black jeans with white shoes. (Pictured above)

"That's a cute sweater" I say and she nods looking back at me

"Thank you, you didn't even change! She says and I shrug

"I wear pretty much the same thing everyday" I say as she laughs

"I mean, you're not wrong!" She says taking my hand and pulling me out of the house. She tosses me the keys and I open the car door for her and she gets into the passenger seat. I get in the drivers seat and start the car starting the drive to the rink. I play Nickelback waiting for the inevitable female groan that I usually get but to my suprise she starts singing along.

"You like Nickelback?" I ask surprised

"Yeah, I mean pretty much no other American does but me and Dylan. Everyone else despises them for some reason." Skylar responds.

"Well we love nickelback so you're not alone" I respond pulling into the rink. And parking before getting out and meeting Skylar on the other side

"My lady" I say extending my arm and she slips hers into mine and we walk in. We get our skates and walk towards the ice

"So I don't actually know how to ice skate" I say bitting my lip as she shakes her head and takes both of my my hands taking me onto the ice.

"I don't know if this is a good idea" I say gripping tighter onto her hands and I try not to make any sudden movements and fall. Suddenly I hear a camera go off and she pulls her hands away and I fall onto the ice

"Fuck!" I shout attempting to stand up and slipping as Skylar helps me up and I look to see a girl recording us

"Can we go home?" I growl and she nods helping me off the ice and we return our skates and go back to the house. I walk in and everyone is laughing gathering around Luke.

"Hey Michael, how was your trip?" He says and everyone laughs as I curse under my breath and start to walk to my room

"Hey Michael, stop. It's okay!" I hear Skylar say and I turn around and yell

"No it's not, there's gonna be a video of me falling on my arse online forever" I yell and she frowns pulling me into my room and sits down on my bed as I sit next to her. She pulls me close and hugs me

"I won't make fun of you" she whispers softly and I smile and pull away a little to look into her eyes as she smiled

"What?" She asked as I gulp looking at her lips and I quickly smash my lips into hers and she pulls away shocked and runs out of my room.

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