Took you long enough (Wynonna x reader)

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Request: Could you do a Wynnona Earp x reader imagine where the reader is jealous of Dolls because they're not a badass with huge muscles?

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Request: Could you do a Wynnona Earp x reader imagine where the reader is jealous of Dolls because they're not a badass with huge muscles?

You were never exactly insecure about yourself per se but who wouldn't feel even a tad of jealousy standing next to someone as ripped as Dolls.

Especially when Wynonna couldn't stop herself from ogling at his muscles and stumbling over her words after he had removed his shirt.

You were attracted to Wynonna but never pursued anything because what was the point? She could be with someone as badass as Dolls, why would she want to be with you?

Waverly had picked up on your odd behavior around the pair and decided to confront you about it.

"Everything okay Y/N?" She asked you at the sheriff's station when she saw you sitting at your desk, staring into the BBD training room.

"Yeah, just fine," you lied.

"Alright, spill. What's bothering you," she said hopping up onto your desk, looking down at you.

You sighed knowing that Waverly wouldn't let this go, "How could I ever get Wynonna's attention when Dolls is around."

"Wynonna doesn't like Dolls," Waverly laughed.

"Waves, she's practically drooling over his abs as their sparring right now."

"Yeah but that's just Wynonna, she sees a good looking guy and she will stare as blatantly as she pleases. Y/N, she doesn't like Dolls, she likes you."

You wanted to believe Waverly, you really did but you still held your skepticisms.

"I took a chance and told Nicole how I felt, you need to do the same with Wynonna," she continued, "I promise it'll be worth it".

"Thanks Waverly," you told her.

She was right, maybe you just had to open about your feelings for Wynonna.

After Dolls left the training room you went in to see her.

"Hey Wynonna, good session?" you asked her as she guzzled down an entire bottle of water.

"Yep, I kicked Dolls ass," she said proudly.

There was a moment of silence until you finally spoke again, "So I was thinking, maybe you'd want to get a drink at Shorty's tonight?"

"Yeah that sounds great, I'll tell Waverly to get everyone else there at eight," she responded.

"Oh actually I meant just the two of us," you clarified awkwardly.

"Like a date?"

"Yeah, I mean, only if you want to of course."

"Well finally," Wynonna laughed.

"What?" you said confused.

"I've been waiting for you to ask me out for months, took you long enough," Wynonna teased, "see you tonight," she winked, walking out of the room.

You were standing there speechless when Waverly popped her head in, "so did it work?"

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