Chapter 7: Final Night, The Catcher

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Next day Alex woke by swap Sans call for her when she was up she said, "my up, my up" so she got out of bed she grab her headphone off the nightstand when she have her headphone in her hand. She put her headphone back on her ears when she have them back on she walk out of the room when she was out of the room classic Papyrus said, "morning Alex". "Morning guy" ,said Alex "where we go now" ,said fell Sans "okay today we look the sea part of the city" ,said Alex. "Okay let go" ,said classic Sans so they use the shortcut to the sea part of the city when they are at the in sea part of the city they look for them for hours until night time they still find nothing. They stop to rest in the allies Alex said in her head, "I know that they here in this part of the city I could sense it" "uh Alex" ,said swap Sans "yeah, uh" ,said Alex she saw ten winged men fly above them. When she saw them she said "oh, crap" "now follow us or we have to be rough" ,said one of them "Alex do you have plane" ,said swap Papyrus "yes" ,said Alex "what is it sweetheart" ,said fell Sans. She sigh and yell "RUN!!!" she start to ran away from them when they saw her ran away fell Papyrus said, "hey" so they ran after her when they left them. One of them said "hey, get back here" they fly after them while they are ran from them. Fell Papyrus said, "ran that the best thing you can think" "shut up ran for it" ,said Alex "we ran fast we can here" ,said classic Sans. "Get them" ,said the man "she saw them catching up when she saw that she said, "great" then they saw the cliff when they saw the cliff classic Alphys said, "its dead end". "I got an idea hold on" ,said Alex she grab all nine of them and she jump off the cliff. When they are in the air they fall toward the ground fell Papyrus said, "are you nut" before they hit the ground they stop falling. When they stop fall Alexandra said, "now you know what happened to me and guys. Now we have find those kids and others Sans, Papyrus quick it happened like will I tell you all of it. You have wait and see, will see ya" they start to fall again Alex land on her feet when she was on the ground she said, "hm stick the land and I didn't get hurt" then fell Sans and fell Papyrus fall on top of her. When they are on her she said, "ow stand corrected" "Alex" ,said fell Papyrus "sweetheart where are you" ,said fell Sans "down here now get off" said Alex. They saw her under them when they saw her fell Sans said, "oh didn't see you" so they got off her. When they are off of her she got up from the ground and said, "ow that hurt" "there they are" ,said the winged men. They saw them flying toward them Alex said, "shit" "get them" ,said one of them she saw a large pipe where swap Papyrus landed on when she saw the pipe she said, "come on". So they ran toward the pipe when they gotten into pipe Alex went in the pipe then classic Alphys, lust brother, fell brother, classic brother, and swap brother went in pipe, but four winged men grab classic Papyrus and swap Sans legs. When they gotten them they start to drag them out of the pipe swap Sans and classic Papyrus said, "brother help, let go" "bro" ,said swap Papyrus and classic Sans. So they grab their hand and they pull them back into the pipe, but they start to drag out with them when they saw all four them get drag out. Alex grab their hoodie and said, "I got you, hold on" she start to pull them back into pipe until she hear ripping from the hoodies they're wearing. When she saw the ripping of their hoodie she said, "no don't rip now" then it rip out of her hand when they are out of her hand they drag out of the pipe. When they are out of the pipe Alex saw them fly away from them when they left them. She said, "damn it" she slap the pipe's floor hard then classic Alphys said, "Alex" "calm down" ,said lust Papyrus. "We'll get them back" ,said classic Alphys "hm" ,said Alex then she saw the piece of their hoodie in her hand then she sense something when she sense something in the air. She said, "wait a minute" she sense their magic signal when she got their magic signal she said, "got it". "Got it what" ,said fell Papyrus she ran out of the pipe when she was out of the pipe she ran away from them. Fell Sans said, "where are you go" "wait for us" ,said classic Alphys "follow that skeleton" ,said fell Papyrus so they follower her to a old warehouse when they gotten to there. Fell Papyrus said, "what the fuck Alex leave us like that why I shouldn't punish you for that". " Sorry, but they're in there" ,said Alex "are you sure" ,said fell Sans. "Yeah my sure I could sense their magic in there, come on" ,said Alex so they walk toward the a backdoor of the warehouse. When they gotten to the door Alex open the door when the door was open they walk into the build. When everyone was in the building they saw swap brother and classic brother tie to chair and gagged too. When they saw them Alex whisper, "guy" so they ran toward them when they gotten to them Alex whisper, "guy we gonna get you out of here" "mm" ,said all of them and they shock their head no. Then Alex whisper, "what hold on" she token the banana out of classic Sans's mouth when it is out of his mouth he said, "its trap" "what" ,said Alex. Then the light turn on and they saw winged and regular man when they saw them Alex said, "ran for it". They try ran away, but they got colt by them when they are in the their hand one of the men grab her weapon bag off of her. Then the leader said, "will, will what we have here six pest" "let us go" ,said Alex "oh we can't let you the boss be thankful for bring you and them here" ,said the leader. "What" ,said Alex "but first" ,said leader he snap figure and the man with lust brother and fell brother walk toward a machines. When they gotten to the machines they push them in the machines when they are in the machines one of men turn on the machines when the machines was on. They start to scream in pain and they saw their soul color come through a pipe on top of the machines. When she saw the color and them in pain she said, "what are you doing to them" "take their magic" ,said the leader "what" ,said Alex. "That we take the other four before you came here" ,said the leader "why" ,said Alex. "For the boss, he absorb all their magic from each timelines even those three kids" ,said the leader "no, why are you doing this" said Alex. "Because the boss want to be the king of all of the Undertale timelines so we take all of their magic, but I don't know why he want you, I see a girly-girl that don't know how to protect anyone not even herself. Plus how you little girl can save their timelines" ,said the leader so he start to laugh at her then winged man take the lust brother and fell brother out of the machines. When they are out of the machines the leader said, "oh before take them to their cell" he smack Alex in the face when he did that he said, "before we take your magic or whatever you have. I want payback what you did to me, now take them away" "gr" growl Alex "yes sir" said the men. so they walk toward their cells were the other Sans and Papyrus from the other timelines were staying.  

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