Chapter 8: The Escape

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When they are in their cells Alex was sit there quit in and looking at everyone then fell Papyrus was pull on the bars then he said, "we need get out here" "my sorry" ,said Alex. "Its okay Alex" ,said swap Sans "no its not blueberry, I thought I could save your timelines, but I was wrong. How can I save your timelines my just a human that don't know to do so how I can save your timelines I sodden know that was trap then this wouldn't happened" said Alex. She start to cry a little than fell Sans said, "sweetheart" "we'll find away out" ,said classic Alphys. "Yeah right, just leave me lone" ,said Alex so she coil up and listen to her music until she hear secret language come through her headphone once again. When she hear that the language a dark room appear around her when she was in the room she said, "where my am" "Alexandra" ,said the person. "Who there" ,said Alex she saw a skeleton wear a black clothes, but both eye have two black line one going down and the other go up stand there look at her. When she saw him she said, "who are you" "my name is W. D. Gaster" ,said W. D. Gaster "okay W.D Gaster" ,said Alex. "Now you have to save our timelines" ,said W. D. Gaster "how I just human that transform into a skeleton, how can I save their timelines" ,said Alex. "Oh Alexandra you not a only human your unique, you can do anything if you set your mind into it, that your my daughter after all" said W. D. Gaster. "Wait what's that supposed to mean" ,said Alex then he start to disappear when she saw him leaving her she yell, "wait" then she saw the slide door and she saw the others stare at her. When she saw them she whisper, "set my mind to it hm" so she look around the room they were at until she saw four speakers around the place and she saw wire going down and disappear in her cells wall. When she saw that she said, "wait a damn minute" so she walk toward the wall when she gotten to the wall she start to hit the wall. When they saw her hit the wall fell Papyrus said, "what the fuck are you doing" "if I am correct" ,said Alex. She hear metal sound when she hear that she said, "bingo" she saw a metal door on the wall. When she saw that she trying to open the door, but it was lock. Fell Papyrus said, "you can't open that unless you have a the key" "heh do you know anything about me at all" ,said Alex "eh" ,said fell Papyrus. She reach in her boot and she pull out a knife when they saw the knife in her hand fell Papyrus said "oh you have a knife" "heh yep, now let open this" ,said Alex. So she slide the knife into the metal door and she start to prided open the door when the door most open. She took the knife out of the metal door and she start to forced on her magic while she was forced on her magic. A long turquoise bone appear in front of her when she saw the bone in front of her. She said, "woah" so she grab the bone in her hand and she put the bone in the opening where she start at. Then she let go of the bone in the door and she start walk away from the door when she was back of the cells door she ran toward the wall when she gotten to the wall. She ran on the wall and she jump off the wall when she was off the wall she landed on the bone. When she landed on the bone the door bust up and the bone disappear too when she saw the door on the floor. She saw all of weirs in there she said, "okay let's do this" she pull every weirs out. Until she find the four speakers in there when she find it she hook the weirs up to her headphone and her mp3 player. When she was done hook them up to the speakers she said, "testing one, two, three" she hear herself on the speakers when she hear herself on here. She said, "hello this DJ Al in the house let make some noise" then they hear music from the speakers and she perform many song. While she was perform she forced on her magic in her magic then they saw different color music notes float toward them when they saw the music come in toward them. They saw eight foxfire sing with her fell Papyrus said, "what the fuck is that" "uh Alex what are you doing" ,said swap Papyrus. It touch them when it touch them their eyes turn to their magic color and they felt their magic come back a little "woah" ,said everyone then the guard walk toward Alex's cell. When he gotten to her he smash the door when he did that she disconnect the speaker when she was disconnect he said, "shut up you annoy pest" "will sorry, but I was bored", said Alex. "Well shut up" ,said the guard he about to leave her cell until she said, "wait" "hm" ,said the guard. "I need to go" ,said Alex "your not going anywhere" ,said the guard. "Not that you idiot I mean, I need go to the bathroom" ,said Alex "your kidding me right" ,said the guard. "No my not, listen boy before you caught me and my friends, I drink five cans of soda so I need to go" ,said Alex. "Oh okay" said the guard so he unlock the door when the door was opened he flew a bucket at her when she saw the bucket in front of her she said, "a bucket". "Yep my not fall for that trick" ,said the guard "I can't believe, I have to use a bucket" ,said Alex so she grab her skirt and she about to pull it down. When he saw that he said, "you ready going to doing it..." "I told you I have go" said Alex so he turn around away from her and said, "sense I am a gentleman I'll let you do your business". She smile and she kick him in the ball shack everyone said, "ow" "right into the round table" ,said the guard he fall to the floor when he was on the floor. She said "heh I can't believe that work, hm things from anime ready does work in real life huh", So she grab the keys from him and she walk out of the cell when she was out of the place. She said, "oh I'll leave the bucket for you" she close the door and she lock the door when the door was lock. She said, "time for jailbreak" "hello" ,said fox "huh" ,said Alex. She turn and saw eight different color foxes with little turquoise color on them stand there when she saw them she said, "uh hello". "We want to help too" ,said pink fox "okay, but who are you" ,said Alex "we are fox spirits, that live in your sword" ,said blue fox. "My sword that my teacher gave me" ,said Alex "yes, but we'll have long talk about this later" ,said blue fox "yeah now unlock all of the door" ,said Alex. "Yes mama" ,said all of the foxes so they unlock all of the door when they are free fell Papyrus said, "nice job for human". "Heh yeah, yeah I know" ,said Alex "she not a only human, bone head" ,said red fox "what the fuckare those" ,said fell Papyrus "uh they told me that they live in my sword that my teacher gave me" ,said Alex. "Oh great" said fell Papyrus "yeah, there two people left, what their name" ,said blue fox "you mean horrortale Sans and horrortale Papyrus" ,said purple fox. "Yes them" said blue fox "eh" ,said everyone "oh will we need them where are they" ,said Alex "in back of the room and him he over there" ,said green fox. "We didn't want to unlock them" ,said black and white fox "they scary looking" ,said pink fox "will thank you for helping" ,said Alex. "Your welcome" ,said all of fox so they disappear from them when they left her she said, "oh okay will they get them" "wait" ,said swap Sans "don't let them out" ,said ink Sans. "Why" ,said Alex "because they will kill you" ,said swapfell Sans "that I met them before they kill different than me, but I still a killer" said murder Sans. "Yes, but we won't kill you like them" ,said murder Papyrus "hm, I don't care my not a feared we need them if I have to I'll make a deal with them. Or the devil himself" ,said Alex so she walk away from them when she left them error Sans said, "will she dead" "heh yeah" ,said murder Sans "eh" ,said fell Sans while they are wait for her or her dead body. So she walk toward their celled when she gotten to them she said, "hey uh Sans and Papyrus" "hm" ,said horror Sans "huh" ,said horror Papyrus she saw them in there. When she saw them she said, "woah uh I have the key here I'll let you out" they saw the key in her hand. When they saw the key horror Sans ran toward the door when he gotten to door she scream, "ah" "let us out" ,said horror Sans "okay, but before I let you and your brother out of here lets make deal" ,said Alex. "Heh what kind of deal" ,said horror Sans "okay here the deal, if I let you and your brother out you both wouldn't kill me, the other Sans and Papyrus from the other timelines, classic Alphys, Frisk, Chara, and Asriel aka Flowey. If we find them in this place okay" ,said Alex "heh not a change we'll kill anyone we want, like you" ,said horror Sans. "Sigh...fine than have fun in your cage see ya" ,said Alex so she start to walk away from them horror Papyrus said, "brother" "sigh...wait" ,said horror Sans "hm" said Alex. She turn around and she walk back to their celled when she saw them. Horror Sans said, "fine we have a deal we wouldn't kill you and or the others, that you said okay now get us out of here please". "Okay" ,said Alex so she unlock the door when the door was open. Horror Sans and horror Papyrus walk out of the open the door when they was out of the slide they stretch their arm and leg. Then horror Sans said, "gr gosh it be too long in that cage, thanks kid" "thank you", said horror Papyrus. "Your welcome" ,said Alex so she turn and start to walk toward the others, but Horror Sans smile at her and he try to kill her with his bare hand, but when she sense him behind her. So she turn and grab his hand when he saw her hand on his arm she flip him to open cage wall. When he hit the wall hard she grab his hoodie and said in anger, "if I see you try to kill me again I'll kill you right here right now got it " her eyes turn turquoise and fill with flames too when they saw her eye turn  turquoise and on fire horror Sans said, "okay I was just kidding " "yeah right" ,said Alex. "Hm creepy, but cute" ,horror Sans said in his head "yes mama" ,said horror Papyrus so she let him go and said, "let go the guys are wait" "okay" said horror Sans. So they walk toward the others where they was wait for her or her dead body in horror Sans and horror Papyrus hand, but they saw Alex alive and waking toward them with them beside her. When they gotten to them Alex said, "hey guys" "sweetheart-" ,said fell Sans when they saw her. Classic Sans said, "kid get away from them" he use his magic to get her when she saw the blue color around her. She start move toward him slow when she gotten to him she said, "it fine they wouldn't hurt me" "how you know for sure" ,said swap Papyrus. "Because I made a deal with them" ,said Alex "you did what" ,yell all of them classic Sans drop her on the floor. When she hit the floor she said, "ow yeah I did, that remember what I said that I'll make a deal with them like the devil himself that we need them okay". "Oh" said all of them she stand up from the floor when she was up she said, "that if they try anything to you or me than they are die". "Okay" ,said all of them "okay now its time to save your timelines" ,said Alex "yeah" ,yell all of them.

Alexandra The Skeleton The Saver Of The Undertale AU TimelineWhere stories live. Discover now