Suicide 2

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I think of suicide every day,

Sometimes cutting takes the pain away,

My friends look at my scars in disgust,

they don’t know, but cut i must,

a burn or a bruise,

i won’t win, i’ll lose,

a cut or a scar, 

no shooting stars,

can grant my wish of being free,

can let me die, no more agony, 

I want to leave, 

No-one will grieve,

I’m useless, worthless, pointless,

I’m just a dissapointment, 

Are you okay,

People may say,

Every time i lie,

I say i’m fine, but i cry,

Only on the inside,

I have to hide,

From the knife,

From the tradgedy of my life,

So please kill me now,

Is there another way, how?

I don’t see the light,

I can not fight,

Give me the benifit of the doubt,

There is no other way out.

I must decide,

If i will commit suicide.

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