waking up

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Prince William's POV
I saw my mate laying there unconscious she is so beautiful I hope she wakes up soon I want to see her beautiful brown eyes I want to hear her soft voice I want to see her in all her glory she is breathtaking.
(Please my sweet mate wake up I need you please come back).

Adahy's POV
My precious sister she needs to wake up her mate needs her and I want to see her happy not still as death her heart beat is slow but stable her breathing is poor but still there and thanks to the machine it gives her lungs the extra umph they need. (Come on sis come back to us we love you so much please come back)

Lakota's POV
Calm and peaceful that's how I feel right now I saw my father spoke to him again oh how I missed him. My mother well, wow she is wonderful though not to motherly I think the goddess in her won't really let her be comforting like a mother but than again she is mother moon creator of all werewolves the power of a goddess must be hard to handle having to be in charge of so many things especially the creation of wereinfants.
I'm happy to have finally met her I really am but I just wish I knew her like really truly knew her as a person as a mother as a friend not just my goddess. She told me that it was time to go back to my family but how I have no idea where to start or where to go. That's when I heard the voices and no I'm not crazy but I heard my brother and someone else I focused all my energy on their words and on the way they sound its heartbreaking they sound so hurt

(Please my sweet mate wake up I need you please come back).

(Come on sis come back to us we love you so much please come back)

My mate and my brother want me home how do I get home?
(Hello? anyone there? please I need help, I want to go home.)
Whispering voices is what I heard there was so many and I couldn't understand them but one stood out one I heard it was clear it said picture your loved ones at home. So that's what I did I pictured them my brother, my best friend his mate, my pregnant friend Aiyana, and her mate Ashkii I was surprised at what I felt like it was large and powerful gush of wind next thing I know I see them all of them my brother is crying his lips are moving his mate she is crying on his shoulders why are they so sad I'm right here. So I shouted there names but they didn't move they didn't acknowledge me so I screamed again still nothing than I see the prince my mate walk in he stared at me full of sadness and hope he looked right at me I called to him but nothing it was the same as my sibling Aiyana and her pregnant self sat there crying with her back facing me her mate Ashkii right next to her rubbing her back I walked forward and what I saw I understood why know one heard my there my body lays I'm as still as death itself and pale as a vampire that only means I'm dead but I heard a machine I looked up and saw that I was connected to it one was pumping air the other monitored my heart it was so slow I screamed desperate to get back to my family. I heard the whispering again and this time I heard them all clear as day go to your body put your hands on your head and one on your heart that is how you'll go home but hurry your almost out of time. I ran as fast as I could but my body was moving away from me I screamed no the monitor started beeping like crazy. No, no I ran faster there I'm almost there just before my body disappeared I touched my head everything stopped and I felt electricity I was able to stand up right and I put my other hand on my heart I felt more electricity and wind was swirling around me I heard my brother and my friends I heard my mate they were hysterical I knew why the beeping stopped it was just a flat line with a continuous beeeeeeeep I thought I was too late but instead I felt my self enter my body.
I gasped for breath and my heart was racing everything was blurry I couldn't see my ears were ringing I couldn't here anything else after what felt like forever my vision cleared and I felt my body it was so heavy but I see why everyone held me my ears stopped ringing and I heard them all say thank the goddess she is alive I was confused alive? I thought what do they mean alive I than looked at everyone and asked them to get off they all rushed off and sat down everyone started talking at the same time till a booming voice commanded every one to stop to give me time to regain energy and my focus I silently thanked the stranger his voice was so amazing it sent chills up my spine and gave me the goose bumps I cleared my throat and everyone looked at me patiently I noticed the handsome stranger leave the room and I felt my heart drop why did I feel that? The next thing I know he comes back, but with another man he looks to be a doctor all I know is that my heart flutters at the sight of him I feel different like I'm not alone and I'm happy, I also notice that there is another presence in my soul that can only mean one thing I have my wolf but why is she speaking to me is she okay I focused on her for a moment and noticed she was sleeping.

(Lakota can you look at me I need you to follow a couple of instructions okay one is follow my finger okay?)
I nodded my head yes and did what I was told he just mmhmmed and wrote something down he than asked another thing.
(Lakota will you look directly into my flash light and follow its every move as well?) I than nodded my head again and did what I was told he mmhmmed again and wrote something else on his clipboard.
(Lakota do you know who this is)
He brought me my brother I nodded my head yes and he asked me who my brother was I replied with that's my brother Adahy. My brother smiled and hugged me I than heard a growl it was sexy but scary who is that stranger.
The doctor than brought a girl to me and asked me if I knew her. I shook my head no and she cried my brother than told me that she was my best friend Emerson and that she was his mate I apologized but I told her I don't remember you. The doctor nodded his head and mmhmmed while writing other stuff down I looked to him and asked him if he would care to explain she he has mmhmmed 3 times now.
He than told me that he wasn't trying to offend me just that he was trying to understand he also told me that he knows why I don't remember my brother's mate. I asked how and why but instead of an answer he asked me another question.
(Lakota do you have your wolf with or actually do you feel her presence?)
Yes doctor I have her and I feel her presence but she is sleeping. He than nodded his head and smiled.
(Don't worry everyone I now understand and know why Lakota doesn't remember anyone but her brother her wolf is asleep which means when her wolf wakes up she'll remember everyone and everything.) With what the doctor said everyone sighed out of relief and smiled hugged me once more than left. I asked my brother if he can take me to my room he said yes I smiled gratefully and he led the way.

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