Thinking hurts

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After breakfast was over all my female unmated packmates left to get ready for the mall. I went outside to get some fresh air and to think. The season of mates, I wonder what mine will be like?
Will he be kind, loving, caring, trustworthy, will he sweep me off my feet. Nah who am I kidding such things like that only happen in fairytales oh well I just hope he respects me and my family after all my brother is really the only family I have well him his mate and my friends but I have no father he passed away when I turned 10 stupid rogues I hate them.

Daddy!! I missed you why do you have to go away all the time don't you love us.

(Oh my sweet princess, of course I love you and your brother its just business that takes me away how about this us three will go to the falls and have a picnic we'll swim and play games.)
Okay daddy that sounds good I'm gonna go tell Adahy he'll be happy too.

(We leave in 1 hour sweety)...

There at the falls was when we were attacked we just got out of the lake when we heard menacing growls my father immediately got up to protect us my brother was only 13 when it happened so he couldn't shift yet my father told him to get me out of there and get the warriors my brother hesitated till my father yelled at him to run, we ran and got to the pack house my brother told the warriors but when they got there my father was surrounded by the rogues they stepped in and fought but my father he was, he was pinned and another wolf came and well yeah no need for gore but he was gone.

My mother well I don't know what happened to her or if she is still alive she left when I was just an infant my brother told me she ended up having serious depression and couldn't handle the pressure of being a Luna and a mother so she left it broke our fathers heart but being alpha and a single father he put his feelings to the side and did what was right he raised my brother and I , If I say so myself he did an incredible job he was a great alpha and father. Sometimes though I feel like its my fault if I wouldn't have asked my father about loving us he'd probably be alive still.

Lakota it's about time for you to leave soon, oh dear are you okay?
Oh Emery yeah I was just thinking about my father I miss him oh kota sis come here Adahy often speaks about him too you both mis him dearly perhaps when you come back we'll have a private dinner just us three how does that sound?

It sounds good Em I should probably get to the front everyone is most likely ready to go.
Yes you should, and kota don't think to much, sometimes thinking hurts.

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