Dreams Do Come True

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After walking for what seems like hours my brother lead me to my room, giving me one last hug and smiling he said good night sis see you tomorrow its a big day. I asked him what he meant and he told me it was the second day of mating season. I nodded my head and said good night.
Walking in the room I closed the door behind me I looked around and was amazed at the sight before me the room was massive it was like two living rooms put together. I stared at the designs along the walls and it seems to be a story about wolves a battle per say it wasn't bloody or gory it looks like they came to an understanding I looked closer and in a corner was a woman she was beautiful and she looked pleased. After seeing the woman my head started pounding and I went to my bed I lye down and let the pain guide me to sleep.

Not knowing if I was awake or if I was asleep everything around me was like a mirror and in the mirrors I saw myself. But I wasn't alone I looked all around me but there was no one else I than saw everything from the mall to the queen wanting the shoes I fell in love with to the ball to the prince I also saw my brother speaking to the king we needed up following him and went to his office than there was sound it was voices. My brother speaking to the king telling him I was a late bloomer and that my wolf made her presence he nodded in concern. The king said that usually late bloomers have powers I heard my voice I looked over and there I was pale as a corpse and unconscious. Every one thought I was dying but I had gone to sleep next thing I know I hear voices behind me so I turned and there in another mirror was my father I felt tears come to my eyes I heard my self say sorry for his untimely death and how much I missed him I then saw a woman she was beautiful she had a knowing smile upon her face and in her eyes was pain sadness and hope. She spoke to me telling me who she was and why I was brought there I than saw her make me transform into my wolf she than spoke to it and than she started floating her eyes turned white as the moonnext thing I know that from a beautiful golden wolf my fur turned to a piercing white and my eyes flew open and the color was a deep royal blue along my fur their was symbols that were also a deep royal blue she was beautiful and her height she was nearly 9 feet tall the moon goddess was no longer floating her eyes were no longer white I heard her voice this time she told the wolf to let her daughter come forward I gasped out of shock and saw that it was me I look identical to the woman she told me she loved me and how she wished she could've been there for me she explained everything she also said that I had powers of the elements amongst other abilities she told me about a war about a sorceress who wanted to take over the werekingdom she told me that I was to return and to tell my brother and the king everything.

I spoke out loud I asked if this was all true I heard someone and they said yes it was all true to now awaken and tell everyone.

I woke with a gasp and my heart racing I ran to my brothers room I mind linked him telling him we needed to speak to the king urgently I remembered everything. He told me it was late and the king was most likely asleep to wait till morning I told him no that the moon goddess herself told me to tell the king immediately he said what and okay.

My brother stepped out of his room and I nearly ran in to him I apologized and told him I don't have time to explain the king needs to know so your questions will have to wait. The only thing I told him on the way to our kings office was that dreams do come true.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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