talking to my brother not my alpha

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After my brother mind linked me to come and speak with him and his Luna I didn't argue knowing that when he's like this he's my alpha not my brother.
I approached him and his mate who by the way is my best friend but she's also my Luna yay right no its not I just want my friend back she looked at me and just smiled which by the way means well talk later I nodded my head yes and followed my brother to the king and queen wait what the king and queen why the king and queen I mind linked my brother asking him why we are going to the king and queen he just told me to be quiet I told remember alpha you are my brother before my alpha keep that in mind he growled in response and I closed the link unhappy and with unused tears starting to form I shook my head and said you are not going to cry.
My brother reached the king and queen bowed and asked if we could speak its urgent the king nodded his head and his wife stood up with home we walked to the kings office.
(What's wrong why did we have to speak so urgently Alpha Adahy?)
My brother apologized and said it seems my sister wolf has made a presence.
( and why is this so important?) She was supposed to shift 2 days ago sire.
(I see a late bloomer young lady what is your name?) My name is Lakota sire.

Oh your that sweet girl I met 3 days ago my I didn't recognise you, you are more beautiful today than the other it must be the makeup. Wow I really didn't recognise you.
( you know her my love?
Yes dear she's the one who let me buy the gift for the princess when she herself was going to buy them and now I see why your dress is gorgeous.( well young lady I must thank you for that she so happy when she came home)
It was my pleasure sire.
(Good good now back to your situation when did your wolf make its presence?)
After the prince took my hand to dance sire why is this important if you don't mind me asking?
(Well young lady when a wolf is late it usually means you are special in some kind of way and young lady it is important because your wolf making a presence now means you have met your mate. Now excuse me real quick I have to mind link someone)
Lakota's thoughts
I found my mate but that means its the prince that means I'm the princess oh no no no this isn't what I expected and my wolf what's so special about us?
Lakota's wolf Sapphire
We are special because we are gifted thanks to our mother.
Lakota's thoughts
Our mother, gifted what? I don't even know your name yet.
My name is sapphire
You mean like the gem sapphire?
Yes Lakota like the gem why do you think you love the color royal blue so its the closest to the color of sapphire and for our mother and our gifts. Our mother is the moon goddess that's why she didn't raise you.

I don't feel so good Adahy I feel faint.

Adahy's POV
The prince came in and saw my sister he had the brightest smile I've seen in a while that means its true she is his mate. I than hear my sister I don't feel so good Adahy I feel faint before she fell over I turned to her and caught her the prince growled and ran to her as well.
I'm supposed to protect her I'm her brother before an alpha stupid wolf messed things up again she's my baby sister I have to keep her safe and now look at her she's fallen ill.
The king called the wolf doctor and he came as fast as he could.
Doctors POV
There she lye a beautiful angel the prince's mate but she's unconscious
I quickly went to her to feel if she had a pulse she did but it was faint. We must take her to the medical suite now she's dying. Everyone rushed to the other side of the palace to get her the help she needs. I quickly placed her on the bed and got everything hooked up I saw her heart rate its slow but steady her oxygen level is still dropping though so I put her on the breathing machine. Now all we can do is wait.

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