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Richie: you were getting extremely frustrated with a game at the arcade. it was new, so everyone wanted to try it, but nobody know how to play. while you were playing, you ending up dying, and whisper shouting, "fuck!" you were about to walk away when someone grabbed your shoulder. you turned around and a bot who was slightly taller then you inserted a quarter into the machine and said, "here, let me show you." you ended up playing a few games and walking home together.

Eddie: you were in the pharmacy picking up some prescription medication for your mother, and some other first aid things you needed. while you were at the till, a mother storms through the door, basically dragging a boy, who you assumed was her son, to the counter. she pushed you out of the way and asked the man working at the till for the medication for a boy named eddie. once she let go of her son, he glanced over at you, and you caught his eye. he looked away but you spoke up, "quite a motherly figure, huh?" you both chuckled but she gave you a death glare. you and the boy had found out you went to the same school, and started talking a bit until him mother began to drag him out of the store again. "im eddie kaspbrak!" he yelled before he was out the door. "y/n y/l/n!"

Stanely: you had been having a bit of a rough day. school wasnt really the best place anymore, kids werent that nice. the only place you could really go to get away was the quarry. there was never anyone there and youd always draw the scenery. one day while you were relaxing by the cliff side, heard rustling in the nearby trees. you got curious, and began to walk to the area where it was coming from. you searched around until you saw an average sized boy with curly hair. "jesus!" you jumped, causing him to flinch aswell. "h- oh! sorry, i didnt mean to uh, scare you." he said. "thats alright, i just heard some noises over here an come to look." you chuckled. "oh! well im stanley uris!" he introduced himself. "y/n, y/n y/l/n."

Bill: the first day of school was always the hardest. you were extremely anxious for what people would think of you. maybe you werent the smartest, or the prettiest, or the most popular, but you just hoped people wouldnt be rude. you walked into the classroom and all the students eyes darted to you. "oh! youre finally here!" the teacher spoke. "class, this is miss y/n y/l/n, she will be joining us for the new school year!" hi's, hello's, and other greeting were being muttered around the class. "please, can someone show her around?" he asked kindly. "i-i'll show her m-mr. t." a boy in the back stood up. he was kinda... cute..! "thank you billy!" "please dont be too long." he guided you two out of the class room and shut the door. " bill, bill denbrough." "i-im y-" you were inturreupted. "y/n /y/l/n." "i-i know." a blush spread across your cheeks. "well, lets see the school then!"

a/n- i think im just gonna stick to doing losers club preferences because i dont really know the cast or anything about them really. i have more t work with with the losers cub. i hope thats okay!

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