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richie: acts like hes crippled
"y/n i cant move can you get my glasses please theyre on the nightstand"
"richie the nightstand is like 4 centimetres to your right."

eddie: D I S G U S T E D
doesnt want to be in his body anymore
hont let you touch him
he acts like a girl would on her period

stan: pretty chill about it
you make fun kf him because his face is red and it looks like hes always blushing

bill: coughs alot
stutter gets a bit worse
"y-y/n can y-you g-get me that s-stomach
m-medication please..?"

ben: stays in his room and reads
doesnt want you to be sick

mike: sleeps through the whole thing
one sleepy boi

beverly: wants a hug
gets a hug
happy sick girl
shes okay now

henry: acts like hes fine
goes on with him day

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