Chapter 4: BURN!!!

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The Cryptic Case Of Bellamir Johnson


Detective James Murdock. I've already told you about him. This was the first time we met.

"How have you been Bell?" Det. Murdock asked.

"Do I know you?" I asked him back.

"I am the person assigned on your father's case. It's been a while though. I can't believe it happened. He's a good man." He said.

"You don't know what you're talking about! He's never a good man. He's drunk, beat my mom till he crushes her bones, and then suddenly, acts like nothing happened?! How can you call that a "good" man? Huh?" I exclaimed.

"You know what Bell, until now, it's still a mystery why your father acted that way. Well, I'm just checking on you though. I have a case here in your town again. Ha! It's a tough job being on the Homicide Division." Murdock said try to induce some humor.

"You never found who killed him. I really wanted to see the man who killed my father. I have to thank him for what he's done." Det. Murdock smiled after I said those words. Hate begun to take its roots again.

"You don't have to say it but I know you missed him. We'll see you again someday kid. Say hi to your mom!" He began walking away.

I went home. At dinner, mom kept asking me, how's school, how's Kat and every usual son-parent questions. I cut the chase.

"Mom, you're still not telling who killed father. You were there, you saw what happened, and then you suddenly refused to reveal the murderer. And mom, why didn't you hate dad?" Tears began to fall on my mother's eyes.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to remind you the past, about dad's. It's just that I met the Det. Murdock, and he said hi." I apologized.

"What? You really don't have any idea, do you? Stay away from that man. He's no help! Please..." Then mom left the table. Why do people used to walk out when their upset. I still don't understand what's happening or what happened.

It's the best day ever! Saturday will always be the best day. I was planning to hang out with Kat. I woke up early and then ran to their house.

*doorbell rang*

"Oh Bell! You're early. What are you up to? Huh? You're mom's not taking the day-off, huh? Go, sit down, I'll call Kattlyn." Mrs. Schmuck's been really used to me. I even got to sleep anytime with Kat. I mean, in Kat's room. But, hey, I'm a guy and I'm uncomfortable to always stay on a girls' bedroom. Kat came down. I took breakfast with them. After eating, we sat on their living room.

"What're you up to now? So early, I want to sleep." Kat said.

"Let's go the movies! Mom got a bonus ticket from work for any movie and I would like to watch 'In The Mind Of A Psycho'. The new upcoming horror movie." I explained excitedly.

"Isn't it rated? For adults only?" She whispered.

"I got that covered! You know Big Dud? The school janitor. He's going to watch with us so we got an adult company. Come on, grab it!"

So Kat agreed to come to movies. We just told Mrs. Schmuck that we will be watching some cartoons on film. We went to the cinema, downtown. We saw Big Dud waiting. So we got in, and took the front seats. Even with Kat's enormous sarcasm, I saw some light in her eyes. I know she's excited.

"I didn't expect you had it in you? What's with you kids watching gruesome films like this. Ha! Come on, let me treat you some lunch." Big Dud said.

Our eyes are still sparkling with all those blood and inner parts splashing on the screen. We walk down the sidewalks to the nearest fast food downtown. As we entered the place, two police officers called Big Dud. Have I told you he's black? That's why people especially those dumbass officers always pick on him.

"Hey old man! After janitorial, now pedophilia? You're not running out of options, do you?" They insulted Big Dud.

"Hey! That's now how you speak with Big Dud. We're hungry. So do your job and get your own place!" Kat exclaimed. People are starting to get attention in the situation.

"Having little bodyguards? Huh, black people. You really don't know you're place. *spits on the ground* Let's go buddy!" The other policeman just laughed so hard. They pushed their way on us and they passed by bumping Kat. She fell not so hard and those officers continued to laugh.

"Get up kid. Don't mind them. I'm used to it. Let's go take our lunch. Anything you want, my treat. And I guess my apology too." Big Dud smiled despite being treated so badly. He's naturally nice.

Kat and I didn't felt like going home. We walked until we reached our secret hideout. I saw Kat's expression being so angry.

"Let's kill them." I suggested.

"It's time for me again to use my superpowers!"

"Shut up Bell. I just want to blow them away and cut their corpses to pieces. Burn them like hell, so that they will know how to be black ----- and dead by the way." With a huge grin on my face. I took down all the things Kat just said. You'll never know when a notepad is necessary.

That night, I had a dream again. Those two policemen are usually stationed near the train station. So I saw myself, carrying a crow bar. I broke the main fuel line of their police car. Then I waited. Without knowing, those two entered their car, and smoked. The burnt ashes ignited the leaking fuel and suddenly, a huge explosion occured. The car was on fire. And then I got closer, and started cutting off every limb off of their burnt and crisped bodies.

I woke up. But not in my house. I found myself lying on the hideout, a little bloody, and burned. I got some dirt on myself and then I look beside me, and I saw Kat, sleeping. Was it really a dream?

(Oh my gosh! Revelations are coming up in the next chapters. Just hold on! Me myself can't wait for CHAPTER 5.)

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