Chapter 7: Seven Days - Part II

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The Cryptic Case Of Bellamir Johnson

CHAPTER 7 (7 Days: Part 2)

Day 3

Why do I always wake up feeling exhausted? Where am I? The last I thing I remembered was walking downtown and browsing my phone about any information regarding the situation with Kat. But now, I'm here inside my house again.

F*cking dreams!

I pulled myself up the bed and took a shower. It's still 6am and classes starts at 8am. I changed my clothes, then walk down the room. There, I saw mom, preparing the breakfast. I know what happened last night was just a dream.

"Where did you go last night?" Mom suddenly asked me as she turned on me.

"What? I was here last night. I slept early remember?" I answered.

"You're kidding right? You said you will just take a walk. Oh, you're having the memory thing again?"

A little confused, I took a sit. Mom served the meal and we started eating breakfast.

"Mom, do you know where's Kat?" I asked her?

"What's wrong? You're not seeing her at school?" I'm glad she still remember Kat.

"I haven't seen her these days. I guess I'm too busy hanging out with Chad and Shelly.

Yes, I haven't seen Kat these past few days. I tried calling her but she isn't answering. At school, I approached some of her classmates but they said Kat hasn't shown up for 3 days now.

Day 4

Thank God it's Friday! The last day I'll spend my time in hell. Thanks to Chad and Shelly, I'm having a good time even when I'm at school. I guess, things are going back to normal but...

"Hi. Are you Bell Johnson?" A man, wearing a coat approached me.

"Yes, I'm Bell. Chad, Shelly, just go on without me." Chad and Shelly left me with the man in a coat.

"I'm Detective Dylan Rosberg. Philadelphia Police Department. You happened to be Kat's friend right?" He asked.

"Yes. We're best friends actually. Well not for now. Maybe. What happened to her?"

My voice suddenly rise when Detective Rosberg stayed a little quiet. "Did something happened to her?"

"Just come with us, her mom, Mrs. Schmuck is waiting."

We reached our residence. I saw my mom trying to calm Mrs. Schmuck down. I ran to them.

"What happened? Where's Kat?" I asked.

Trying to hold back her tears, Mrs. Schmuck asked me, "Bell, did Kat happened to call you these past few days? She's missing! *tears fell* I tried calling her phone since yesterday. She said she was going to a friend to give some personal help. But then, I tried to call her so many times but she's not answering. Then I called her service provider to give me the location of her phone, and asked the police to search for her. We searched the place then we found the phone under the bridge near the next town!"

This can't be happening. Kat's missing?

"Bell, can I ask you some information about Kat's last whereabouts?" Det. Rosberg asked me. I told him everything, about what I know from her classmates and the last time I saw her.

Day 5

The search continues. We spent the whole night searching for Kat. Posters, social media, and any means of finding her was done but still no signs of her. I went to our usual hideout. Still, no Kat.

Chad and Shelly offered to spend their weekends searching for Kat. We looked for any signs of Kat in the whole town. We asked owners of the stores Kat usually visits but no one noticed her, but one. A local convenient store owner told us that Kat and I were together three nights ago. We bought some snacks and a .... pregnancy kit.

It's almost sundown. Hope's beginning to get thin.

"Do you believe what that old guy said? Why would you buy a pregnancy kit?" Shelly asked.

"I don't remember any of these things. I swear." I'm really confused.

"But that was the night we are having dinner at Shelly's and you just ran away? Right?" Chad said almost suspecting.

"What? I went home! You saw me right? You went to our house the next morning. That old man is spouting nonsense." I reasoned.

Day 6

Detective Murdock came by the house. "I've heard what happened. The FBI is taking the case now."

He saw my mom and approached her.

"What are you doing here? Go away! You're no help finding my husband's murderer and you think you think you can find Kattlyn?" My mom angrily spouted the words to Det. Murdock.

"I'm just here to help. The case was assigned to me and might be the lead with the unresolved murders here in your town. And let me just say, there's no need for me to look for the person who killed your husband. You already know it." He then walked away. She ran upstairs, trying to keep the guilt. Does Det. Murdock know the truth about my dad's death?

I then got out of the house to continue the search. Then I saw Det. Murdock and Det. Rosberg arguing in front of the Schmuck's residence. I hid behind a tree and listened.

"You're not supposed to take this case James." Words of rivalry coming from Det. Rosberg.

"I've been taking cases for the past years in this town. I know, that Kat's disappearance is the answer to all these mysteries. So PPD should keep their shoes off this case." Det. Murdock replied.

"You're not making any sense. That statement from the store clerk is the answer. That kid knows something, and he's not gonna get away with this. He did not mention anything alike with his statement." James answered.

"Keep yourself away from this case, Rosberg. It's not on yours anymore. If you ever lay your hands on the Johnson boy, you, will also not gonna get away with this." Damn old man! I can't believe Det. Rosberg believed what he said. I pass by, walked away as if I heard nothing. Both detectives looked at me suspiciously.

The day before EVIL hunted, has ended.

Day 7

I didn't stop searching. I decided not to go to class. So basically, I'm alone searching for Kat. I can't help but feel that I'm being followed.

Seven days have passed since the disappearance of Kat and I haven't gave up yet. I've heard that Mrs. Schmuck was confined in the hospital due to over fatigue and stress. But I didn't gave up. I searched and searched, the park, the downtown, even I surged every possible place and people that Kat could possibly go to. Then the night came. Then I took a little break and sat in the park in front of a flower shop. Then I blacked out.

I woke up and found myself in the woods.

Later on, sirens are blaring and I saw myself covered in dirt. In front of me was a spade and it seems like I tried to dig something up. Then I turned back and saw police cars and ambulance.

Det. Rosberg came to me and said, "You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney..." He read me my rights.

"Bellamir Johnson, you are under arrest for the murder of Kattlyn Schmuck."

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