Castle Rock and Ace Merrill

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(Yes, Ace/David is very out of character, but only around his mate, they all will be but only for her)

Castle Rock and Ace Merrill

It had been a normal sunny day in Castle Rock, and for Ace, normal sucked, It was boring. He spent the day working on his car and hanging with his gang, The Cobras. It wasn't until the sun went down and they had played 5 games of pool at Irby's that anything remotely interesting happened.

"Hello, I'm Max and I've just moved into the area, I'm hoping someone can point me to-" Ace stopped listening and looked up to see a man, maybe in his 40's with a suit and large black spectacles.

"Who is that guy Ace?" Eyeball questioned and Ace just shrugged.

"Let's find out." He smirked dropping the pool stick and walking outside, seeing a fancy car in front of him full of suitcases and someone in the front seat.

"He's got a chick. Let's go say hi." Vinny laughed. Walking around but froze as he got to the window and saw her. "H-hi..."

Ace followed and pushed him to the side, rolling his eyes at his friends actions before looking back and looking into the most gorgeous forest green eyes he had ever seen. "Wow". He whispered to himself and she smiled at him. The smile made him weak at the knees. "I'm Ace...Wow". Her smile got wider as he couldn't find any other words.

"I'm Harley, it's nice to meet you Ace." She shook his outstretched and it sent chills up his spine as well as hers. As she locked eyes with him again, she understood completely the attraction she had to him, something she hadn't felt since she was human. This was her of them anyway.

"Can I buy you a drink gorgeous?"

"Of coarse, I would love that." He grinned, opening her door and holding his hand out to her which she took and continued to hold it all the way into the bar. She noticed everyone staring at their connected hands and muttering to themselves, but of coarse with her vampire hearing she knew exactly what they were saying.

'Is that Ace Merrill's new girl? Better stay away from her man.'

'Hope she knows what she's getting into, poor girl.'

'She's hot, what's she doing with a lowlife like him?'

She assumed Ace had heard the last one due to how he tensed and looked ready to kill someone and she moved her grip on his hand to his arm, holding him tighter, making him smile again. She looked at Max who was clearly confused, she never takes a liking to boys like this. Her eyes flashed red for a moment and he seemed to understand immediately, smiling softly at her.

"What do you want to drink babe?"

"I'll just take a soda thank you." He smiled at her shy personality and quickly ordered her drink and his beer. They grabbed them and Ace found that instead of walking to his usual table he was being pulled over to her father. "Daddy, this is Ace, he offered to buy me a drink, isn't he sweet?"

"Well, hello Ace, it's nice to meet you." Ace took his hand and shook it firmly, noticing his hand was just as cold as Harley's.

"You too, so what made you come to Castle Rock?" He questioned as he sat down beside him, while Harley slid onto his lap, making him wrap his arms around her to keep her from sliding off.

"Needed a change, this is just a stop though, we won't be here long." Max explained and Ace's face fell, not going unnoticed by Max. "We'll be here for as long as we need, don't worry about it." They continued to make small talk until Ace started yawning and Harley smiled, before faking a yawn as well. "I think it's time to get you home sweetie. Do you need a ride home Ace?"

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