Under the Docks Meeting Marko

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(Mentions of rape, may be triggering)

It was getting late...well...early I guess, the sun was coming up in about an hour and I hadn't eaten yet. The boys left about a half hour ago but I stayed to see Max for a while. Over the past 4 years Dwayne had been doing really well, taking to the life almost as well as David did. They are the best of friends now, and I couldn't be happier with how close they are, Max was right, my mates truly will be like brothers. I was walking along the boardwalk looking for an easy feed when I heard a loud whimpering coming from under me...under me? I quickly found the closest stairs thinking it might be a teenager stupid enough to try and sleep under there but what I found was a half-naked guy, curled up in a ball, sobbing into his knees. I smelled the blood and cum immediately and it wasn't until I realized that I didn't want to kill him that I felt that tugging in my chest again. Dear god, who did this to him. Whoever it was won't be alive to tell the tale much longer. I walked over to him and he violently flinched when I put my hand on his shoulder. "Hi. I'm Harley. What's your name?" I asked as softly as possible. He looked up slowly and his breathe caught in his throat and he whimpered again. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you sweetie. No one is ever going to hurt you again. I promise."

"M-Marko...my name is Marko." His voice was scratchy and it sounded almost painful for him to talk.

"Well Marko, like I said, I'm Harley. Do you think you can come with me? I'll get you all cleaned up, okay?" He nodded slowly and I helped him pull his shirt and jacket back on. "That's an interesting jacket, totally cool." I chuckled and he smiled slightly. "Okay, my bike is right over here. I'll try to drive as carefully as possible." He said nothing, just followed me. I straddled the bike and helped him sit down carefully, driving off down the beach. I felt an itchy pain as we drove through the woods and soon noticed the sun coming up just behind the clouds. This was going to be a really close one. "Marko! I know you're tired and in pain sweetie but I need you to listen to me. Hold on as tight as you possibly can okay? If I don't get home in like 5 minutes I'm going to die, just hold onto me tight!" I felt him squeeze me tighter and dig his face into my shoulder, as well tears soaking my shirt. "Please don't cry sweetie, everything is going to be fine." I pushed the bike as fast as it could possibly go just as the sun was coming up over the horizon, I turned the bike down the steps and plowed into the cave, seeing Dwayne jump out of the way at the last possible moment. The bike flew out from under me as we hit the end of the bed and I landed against the headboard, with Marko right on top of me. The first thing I heard was David shouting.

"When I tell you to get home an hour before the sun comes up, I Mean It! How Could You Be This-". He was cut off by whimpering and the curly haired blonde crawling behind me.

"David, you're scaring him. Its okay, David would never hurt you, or me, okay? You're safe as can be here. I'm really sorry about that dare devil stunt. I'll explain everything after you have a nice long sleep. Stay here for one second, okay?" He nodded, pulling his knees to his chest again.

I stood from the bed and pulled David away from Marko and over to Dwayne. "I was looking for a quick feed after talking to Max, I would have been back in plenty of time, but I heard something coming from under the docks, and it wasn't until I actually found him that I felt it."

"We feel it too now that everything calmed down, If I knew I wouldn't have yelled, I-"

"It's okay David, he'll forgive you once we show him we don't want to hurt him."

"Why would we hurt him?" Dwayne asked and I sighed.

"I found him under the dock with his jacket and shirt thrown around, and his pants half way down, he smells like blood and cum." Suddenly, both of their faces changed and they growled angrily, I heard Marko scream and I ran over to him where he was trying to get up. "Marko, stop, it's alright sweetie. I will explain everything to you okay? I promise, we will never do anything but protect you. I want to help, but you need to trust me...do you trust me?" He hesitated but nodded slowly before looking at David and Dwayne. "I told them of the state I found you in, they just want to know who did it, and they'll get rid of them for you."

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