Chapter 2: Know Your Friends

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**WUGHHH I can't wait until the "sexy soup time"!!!! I have the entire thing so fucking juicy, like UGHHHHH

By the way, in this story y/n gets really sad when being called perfect. I'm sorry if it's not accurate to you,,

Tfw u swear like it's the only vocabulary uk irl butcan't bring myself to make Fuyuhiko swear in my fics? The fuck..**

A few weeks passed by. Nothing interesting happened. It was just a boring day everyday, with you maybe talking to Kazuichi, but mostly just you daydreaming.

You were dozing off into your imagination as the class teacher had practically fainted. As your eyes closed to meet your dreams, a dark shadow looms over you as your eyes open. Kazuichi was there.

"Yo, Y/N!" The pink haired teen piped up.

"Ugh.. what is it?" You reply, still in your half asleep mannerisms.

"I need your help with something..."

"Does it involve observing..?"

Kazuichi was the only one who knew about your mind reading secrets. He found out accidentally when you were mumbling to yourself that one time.

"Owh.. yea.. I need you to help me find out how Sonia feels about me,"

"Why's that?" You pipe up.

"It's just that.. I feel very insecure around her, and she's really distant sometimes. I'm getting really worried.."


You couldn't hesitate to help him out. He was sad, and just wanted his love to accept him. However, you already knew about what Sonia thinks of him.

She often called him a rotten pig in her head, as well as believe he smells like garbage. How were you going to tell this to him?

"Sure. I'll help you out." You reply.

"Really?! Thanks Y/N!"

Kazuichi scurried back to his seat, a smile across his face. You believed it was the cutest thing you've ever seen.
But not for long...

You decided to tell him tommorow, when he'd communitcate with Sonia; so you could hide the fact that you already knew a long time ago.

You went back to daydreaming. Meteors falling onto Earth.. spreading some kind of plague..

You suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder. You turn around, to realize Fuyuhiko was there.

"Do you have a tissue?" He asked awkwardly.

You tilted your head in confusion as you wondered, 'Why the hell would he want a tissue..? I mean, he's not sick, I can tell..'

He notices your behaviour and frantically gets his words together, believing you had a weird thought in your mind. "I need them to blow my nose, damnit!" He scoffed.

"But.. you aren't sick." You shot.

"How would you know?"

"Ultimate Observer, Duh."

At this point, they only knew you could read emotions, and detect lies.

"We- do you have a tissue or not?!" He shouted, a little less aggressive than before.You pulled out a pack of tissues.

"You know.. you're kind of cute when your flustered~" you flirt, taking him by surprise as you have him the tissues.

"W- what did you just call me?!" He scowled.

{I Can Read Emotions} Fuyuhiko x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now