Chapter 7: Desire To Have You

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The next day rolls by, and on your way to school, you hear a set of footsteps run towards you, getting louder. Without moving you instantly realize who those footsteps belong to.

"Fuyuhiko, I know that's you," you teased.

Suddenly, the footsteps stop. You look to your left and see Fuyuhiko next to you, panting a bit from the running. "Jesus Christ, Y/N! How did you know?!"

You giggled a bit, "An Ultimate Observer always knows a certain someone's footsteps."

"Certain someone?"

"Oh, not just you," I bicker. "I know everyone's footsteps, so don't get your hopes up."

Fuyuhiko's expression sunk a little.

"I'm kidding! Well, not about the fact that I know everyone's footsteps, cause that's true-"

"I think that's just you, Y/N," he scoffs. "Do you mind if I walk with you to school?"

"Yea, no problem. I could use the company," you chirp, moving in closer.

"Holy shit, Y/N.. you scare me with how flirty you become when I'm with you."

"Am I now? Oh well~" your arm latches onto his as you lean on his shoulder.

The rest of the way to school, you and Fuyuhiko talk about stuff -mostly just you explaining you observing skills.

The classroom door opened, and you saw someone run towards you. A pink-haired one to be specific.
"Y/N!" Kazuichi yelled, hugging you. You let go of Fuyuhiko and hugged back. Fuyuhiko was obviously jealous.

"Hey, Kazu. What's up?" You chime.

"Nothing.. just wanted to say hello."

You pushed away from the hug, and patted him on the head. "God, Kaz. Your greetings are getting wilder and wilder! Not that there's anything wrong with that, though."

Kazuichi smiled and walked back to his seat, resting his hands on his head. You and Fuyuhiko also sat down at the corresponding seat.

You looked over at Fuyuhiko, who seemed like he wanted to say something, but he didn't. Curious, you took a moment to observe his emotions.

'God, how am I going to ask her? Let's try, hmm.. Hey, Y/N.. wanna go for a drink? Wait, no! Drinking is not for us teenagers! How about.. Yoooooo Y/N! Wiggety wonk wanna go for a date? Nope, that's too 90s..'

"Alright, Fuyuhiko. Where do you wanna go?" You piped up.

He nearly fell off his chair once he heard your words. "What the fuck?! Y/N you read me?!"

You nodded. "So.. wiggety wonk wanna go on a date?"

"Hey! That's my line, dumbass!"

You giggled and puched him on the shoulder. "Yet, mine sounded better."

"Are you litterally asking me on a date, or are you joking?"

"I literally am. Why would I joke about being with the guy I like?"

You noticed a bright pink hue run across Fuyuhiko's face as he realises what you meant. "Dumbass!"

"So what time you picking me up?"

"U-uh you're serious?"

"Well, excuse me," You cleared your throat.

"O-oh yea it'll be at 6:00pm this evening."

"I gotchu," you purred, giving Fuyuhiko a kiss on the cheek.

•Kazuichi's POV•

I just heard a subtle voice of Fuyuhiko asking Y/N on a date.. I couldn't help but overhear.
I knew Y/N wasn't going to like me anytime soon, so I was hoping the same for Fuyuhiko. I was going to devise a plan for Fuyuhiko to mess up this date.

I ran up to Peko to check. "Hey, Peko."

"Hello, Kazuichi. May I help you?" She replied.

"Yeah. Can I talk to you in private?"

•Peko's POV•

I hesitated before agreeing to talk with Kazuichi. "Alright; but only for a little while, and near the class door."

We both walked outside, Kazuichi exiting first. "So, Peko.. do you have feelings for Fuyuhiko?" He asked.

"Why do you believe so?"

"Y'know.. I thought that since you and him have been friends since childhood, it'd be destiny for either one of you to like the other."

"I do not have a crush on Young master. He is my young master. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Well.. the thing is, I have taken a liking to Y/N, and I was hoping I could team with you to get our loves back,"

"I would never hurt my young master by separating him from his loved one. Such actions are beneath me and my duty as his swordswoman."

'I want my young master to be mine.. but I can't interfere with his happiness.'

"Did you know that Y/N is dangerous?" Kazuichi suddenly spat.

"What do you mean?"

"She is very adventurous! I mean VERY, and tends to get herself and everyone around her in trouble! Heck, last time she almost got her old crush to jump off a bridge!"

I sat to myself, scared. 'Dangerous? I can understand why Kazuichi would like her dangerous side. But, Fuyuhiko? He mentioned getting everyone around her in trouble, too. What if she hurts young master? I can't risk that..!'

"What will I get out of helping you separate Y/N and Young master?"

"Well, obviously you'd get a chance to be with Fuyuhiko, and live together happily. Don't you want that?"

'I couldn't help but agree. Even if what he said may be a lie, I can't take that risk of  my young master getting hurt.'

"Alright. I'll do it." I monotonously replied.

"Great! Now here's the plan," Kazuichi smirked. "We're going to sabotage that date."


Sorry if it's short! I didn't really know what to add to it..**

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