Chapter 9 Sam

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I sat stunned staring at the back of Elijah as he faded into the shadows. His kindness left a bad feeling in my mouth, but at the same time my hopes on getting out alive rose a notch. I knew he was strong and from what he said, he was second in command, if anyone could get me out it would be him.

Scrubbing my skin raw, trying to erase Mr. Whyte's touch did little to help, I could still feel his sweaty body draping over mine. The bath soothed some of the soreness from his evasion and the cream Elijah brought worked wonders on my open cuts. Every place I put the cream no longer stung, but left a tingly numb sensation.

Needing all the energy I could get, I dove into the breakfast he left me, forgetting all table manners and shovelling it in as if there was no tomorrow, which that just might be the case. Missing my friends and imagining how worried they must be especially since I ended up passing out during my time with Mr. Whyte and did not know if my shields stayed in place. Food finished, I closed my eyes and thought of the beach and the calm.

Struggling to push out everything that had happened was a harder task then I thought. After a few long minutes of breathing exercises, the familiar scents of the water and crisp clean air circled around me. Finally in my place of calm and serenity, I concentrated on the people I loved and wrapped my feelings for them around me. Once again I shoved the negative feelings down, sending them reassurances that I was fine, but to hurry.

Lawrence's presence seemed to be growing every time I opened myself to them, he was the first one I could feel and last time I could have sworn I heard his voice. Immediately I felt his confidence and strength with the edge of worry. Every time I had done this, my visual picture of them became stronger, more solid. Not like in the beginning when they were a glimmer of fading light. Lawrence stood feet from her with a smile that lite his face.

"Lawrence," I gasped at the solidness of his form. Hand covering my mouth from letting out the sob, while my tears fell. I reached out to touch what I knew was not real, but it looked so real. Hand pacing right through, with the last bit of strength, holding herself together, he vanished as I fell to my knees and out-right sobbed. My imagination and the stress ran wild and in the long-run did more damage. It was giving me false hope. I started wondered if I felt them at all during these days or if it was my creativity playing a nasty game.

"Sam? Oh Honey," the sorrow in his voice made me cry harder. "Samantha I need you to concentrate, I don't know how long I can do this for," his said sternly.

Lifting my head, Lawrence stood there but transparent not like a few moments ago, he was so close, kneeling in front of me, "What?" I asked.

"Unless we are both imagining this, we are talking. I am meditating back at your place waiting to feel your shields to come down and you to reach out for us. That's not important, what is important is what you can tell me about where you are," he asked, back to the Lawrence I knew, expressionless with his eyes demanding.

Seeing his form continue to fade, I snapped out of my shock and spoke a mile-a-minute, hoping he would catch everything before he faded completely, "I don't know. I'm in a basement and when they knocked me out, I didn't come too for eight hours, but the way my body felt, even on this lumpy mattress, I was on it for a while. Mr. Whyte is human and scary as hell. He has a six inch scare on the right side of his face. Joseph is physical strong, but too much of a submissive to do anything besides what he is told, but I'm working on it. I can read his feelings well, he's not happy the way they are treating me. I haven't lost complete hope with him. And there is Elijah. He says he is the second in command. He is strong, from our talk today I might be able to get him to help me...Lawrence?"

He was back to his usual transparent self; his lips moved but i could hear nothing. The urgency in his eyes scared me more. He was desperately trying to tell me something, I think, but had faded too much and I could barely make out his lips moving. It was the fear and urgency in his eyes I could read.

The echo of the click of the door had me whip around, I knew my eyes now held the fear that I saw in Lawrence's for that brief second. Giving a quick wave, before slamming down my shields, leaving the only hope and peace I looked forward to a couple times a day. No matter how brief.

Eyes snapping open, the first thing I saw was a startled, slightly widen eyes of Joseph standing still staring back at me. I didn't know if it was my reaction or his that gave something away, although he did straighten and adjusted his surprise hastily, Mr. Whyte's booming voice had me jump off the bed with a look of quilt.

"What the hell are you doing?" he roared, grabbing my by the hair, pulling my close up and personal against his body. Neither, myself, or Joseph said anything. "What was she doing Joe?"

"She...she was mediating," he answered.

Quiet for a second, then Mr. Whyte replied, "No, no you're not telling me everything." Throwing me on the bed he took out his phone. "Hey boss. Our Sam her is up to something and I believe your wolf might know...," passing the phone to Joseph after he had some kind of reply.

Watching Joseph evade my eyes, he took the phone. "Yes Sir," he said. Watching his shoulders tense before slouching then said, "I felt someone else in here, not physically///no," then he passed the phone back to Mr. Whyte

I sat on the bed, not looking at anything but the floor. Joseph tried to lie for me, which proved he just might be a true ally no matter what little he could do. Wondering how he knew what I was doing was on my mind and not the rest of the conversation Mr. Whyte had.

"He is waiting for you upstairs," Mr. Whyte's voice brought me back from me thoughts. Risking a look, I meet Joseph's eyes, thanking him for trying to protect me. I hope he could read that since I was only able to say it with my eyes. "Joe, send down my men," Mr. Whyte called out as Joseph left the room.

"Now for you," he said. I jumped up and walked backwards to put more distance between us. "I was going to give you a day to recoup from our night of bonding, but since you are strong enough to try something stupid, I will have to rectify that problem," his voice held excitement, eyes cold as he stalked forward.

Playing cat and mouse, while watching his arousal grow, I didn't know how to get out of what was about to happen. Keeping my fear locked up tight, not giving him the satisfaction of hearing my inner self scream in terror. The click of the door echoed so loud in the room, I didn't think and ran towards the sound.

"Hey Boss, you decide to share your toy with us?" a husky voice said.

Skidding to a stop, I was soon surrounding by six men, all with violence and pleasure screaming from their eyes. Not going down without a fight, I swung at the closest man and didn't stop.

Chuckles and a few umph's rang out when I made contact. A few, "she's a feisty one," and, "this is going to be fun," made me fight harder no matter how much my body protested. Towel ripped off, a solid punch to the jaw had me stagger. Punches came from every direction and at every part of my body. The last hard hit to my ribs put me on my knees, I stayed where I was, I had to catch my breath. I was hauled up by my hair and thrown onto the bed. Before I could struggle to get off, my arms and legs were pinned down by strong hands.

Still struggling, never giving up, the laughter in the room fuelled my anger, the grip on my one ankle loosened. Pulling my leg back then I used all the strength I had left, kicking out my foot to land a solid hit to one of the men right in the stomach. Victory lasted only the briefest of moments before another hand had my ankle back under their grasps.

"Now Sam, that wasn't very hospital of you," Mr. Whyte snickered.

"FUCK YOU!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Oh, that is exactly what we plan to do. Brent?" Mr. Whyte purred.

At the end of the bed a man with a predatory smile came forward with his pants undone. "Nice to meet you Sam," he said the moment before entering me with force.

Sore from the night before, and the unwelcomed evasion, I could not contain the strangled scream that escaped from my hoarse throat.

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