Chapter 55 Sam

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Pulling in to my driveway I broke the silence. "Would you like to come in?" It was weird, the house was completely empty. I did not want to be alone. Lawrence's answer was getting out of the car and following me up the stairs.

His silent treatment was driving me mad. We had been at my house for about 20 minutes now and he said nothing. I gave him a beer a few minutes ago and we sat in the living room staring at the wall.

"So are you not talking to me or are you still pissed at me?" I was the first to break the silence again. I got up and started to pace since, once again his silence was the only answer I got. "Will you say something!" I yelled, moving in front of him. I stared down at the top of his head since he was still sitting at the edge of the chair looking straight ahead. "Fuck, Lawrence will you please tell me what I did to piss you off. Please." The last was a whisper.

He stood so slowly. I refused to give him room so I didn't move back. He was damn well going to talk to me. His eyes were closed and his body was still. Before I could move I was in his arms and he was walking us upstairs. Still he said nothing. Once we were in my bedroom he gently placed me on my feet, turned and shut the door softly.

His back to me, his head rested against the closed door. I was afraid to move. "Samantha, do you understand what is happening between us?" He asked. I wasn't sure what he meant so I said nothing. "Can you feel it? The pull, the connection, the need?"

"Yes," I answered in the barest of a whisper.

His shoulders relaxed in the slightest. Still facing the door he stood straight and tall. "You have two options and only two options. You leave. Leave this place, somewhere far or you stay. If you stay you stay with me. You will be mine. You will accept me fully as your mate." His options were clear and I knew actually what he was saying. What he wanted. What he needed. "You stay because you want this and not because you lion has chosen me."

I stood there unmoving. The answer was so clear but I had to be a 100 percent sure. I had to make sure it was truly what I wanted. I knew the answer, I have known it, really known it for months. "Lawrence. Please turn around." I could feel the tension in him rise but he did what I asked. Looking deep into his eyes I was surprised it had taken me this long to figure it out. This was why I could never choose between Nickoli and Dmitri. It was never really an option.

"I don't want to leave my house," I started off and quickly realized he thought I meant something else. "Yes!" I shouted when he turned to head for the door. "I am yours as you are mine. I always have been." He just stood there, half turned away from me. My mind raced over what I said to make sure I didn't screw things up. I didn't think I did. My mind was clear. My decision was right.

"There is something you need to know. We...our kind is extremely protective and we, I can, I will need to feel you when things get a little out of control. I need you now but I am not sure I can be the man who is able to take things as slowly as I wished for our first time," he explained as he slowly turned to face me.

His eyes were no longer the perfect bright green, they were his lion's eyes. He was making sure I understood and was ready. If he only knew how ready I was. I wanted this man since the first, ok second time I met him since the first was when I was barely conscious. No words could come close to explain what and how I felt. I nodded.

He shook his head. "Samantha, if you have any doubt you need to tell me to leave now. I will understand. It does not mean I am leaving you, it just means I will come back when I have more control. I will tell you right now I will be you complete mate the first time I lay with you. You need to make sure you are ready for that." His body was so tense I could see the smallest vibration coming off his arms.

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