Chapter One - A Crack

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Disclaimer: No photos or characters are mine.

Demon. Monster. Hurtful words repeat in his head. Scum. Nuisance. Words the villagers use to describe me. Die. Leave. Things the villagers won't let me do.

Idiot. Optimistic. Smile. Laugh. Those are the instructions I give myself everyday. Hide behind a mask. A mask of happiness and ignorance.

Those are the thoughts running through my head as I walk to the bridge my team always meets at. A smile on my face. A bounce in my step. All a lie.

I see Sasuke leaning on the railing with and irritated look on his face as Sakura forgets the concept of personal space.

"Hey Sakura!" I shout in an annoying voice to the annoying girl. She detaches herself from Sasuke with a look of disgust.

I spot a rock in my path and purposely snag my toe on it, falling to the dirt. Rocks on the path scraping up my hand.

"Tch, dobe." I heard a bored voice coming from the Uchiha.

I was about to yell back when I feel a foot on my back. A beer glass shattering over my head. Blood drip down my face and I just sat there, like always. My eyes trained down to the glass ridden ground.

I heard yells but couldn't understand any words, or put the voice to a name of face. I felt the foot leave my back with another yell. Arms grabbed me and the yelling stoped. Looking up I see the drunk on the ground not moving, and a pissed Sasuke.

"Are you ok?" I looked to the other side to see Sakura was cradling me. I couldn't stop the shock of her worry from creeping onto my face.

Sasuke turned toward us and crouched down to be face to face with me as he talked. "Do you know why he attacked you?"

"No." I lied.

Monster. Demon. Brat. Demon. Monster.

"Naruto?" The voice broke me out of my thoughts. Looking back up there confused, worried faces filled my blurred vision.

"Ya?" I said putting my mask back up. I hope they didn't see, or at least don't pay it any mind.

"...never mind. Lets get you to the hospital, the cuts might get infected." Sasuke said, standing up.

"No!... I'm fine." They both looked shocked at my sudden out burst.
What happened?" I heard a seething voice from behind us. Turning quickly we saw Kakashi glaring at us waiting for an explanation.

"A drunk villager attacked Naruto." Sakura hurriedly exclaimed. "But Sasuke-kun threw him off." She looked at Sasuke with a look of want. Disgusting.

His gaze turned to me. With a sigh he told us we had a mission.

My cheering was halted by Sasuke pointing out that I was injured. 

"Awww does Sasuke-kun care?" I teased putting an emphasis on kun.

"Tch." He sounded while turning away.

"This is a dangerous mission so be carful. We will be bringing an anbu with us." Kakashi continued.

"An anbu?!?! Really?!" I giggled childishly.

"Yes. You also will find out his identity. So you must keep it a secret. In an hour you will be learning who kitsune, one of our most powerful anbu, is. You will learn things about him that most don't know."

"K-kitsune?" I questioned with hesitation.

"Yes. Even I don't know who he is so I can't tell you yet. The mission will last three weeks. You are free to go pack your bags we will all be meeting at the gates." And with that he left us to pack.

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