It Falls

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Kitsune, also known as whispered kit. He has strength to rival the Kages, and enough chakra to put tail beast to shame. Only one catch, he's twelve. I know all about this kitsune person.

I know his darkest secrets, and now his secrets are about to be revealed to those he calls his team.

I'm waiting at the gate for my team mates. I'm wearing my black ambu uniform and the mask of the kitsune.

In the distance I see Sasuke approaching the meeting place with Sakura clinging onto his arm. I know he hates that, so why does he put up with it.

The wind blows and I see Sasuke's shirt catch in the wind and pull skin tight. My eyes linger on the abs he has built up over the years. Looking around I see a few girls have fainted. Pathetic.

"So your kitsune." Sasuke stated once he arrived.

The pink haired ninja let go of the raven to stare in awe at my ambu mask.
"Your mask looks like a fox!" And there's Sakura to point out the obvious.

"Yes, why do you think I'm called kitsune." I don't think my tone can get any sarcasticer.

"Your shorter than I thought you would be." Duck butt pointed out.

"Well I am your age."

"Wait your that young?! But your an anbu!"

"Yes, I have been an anbu since I was about nine."

"Yo." And the copy ninja finally arrives.
As you can tell I'm not very happy with the arraignments.

"Lets g-, where's Naruto?" Kakashi said.

"He still hasn't shown up." Forehead stated.

I sighed wishing I didn't have to do this. "No he's here." I take off my mask to show a tanned whiskered face with a bored, nervous expression.

"NARUTO!!??!" The white and pink haired ninja shouted, while the raven just looked shocked.

"Lets go." I said as I started walking, giving them no choice but to follow. My mask was on the side of my head now as I walked ahead of them on a mission the two genin don't know about.

While packing I got the info on the mission, and let me say this; WHY THE HELL DID SHE MAKE GENIN DO THIS!?!?! Did she want them to fail!? Ugh.

We stopped in a clearing to explain the mission to the others, and to answer questions.

"The mission won't get you killed, but it  is one that most genin wont be the most skilled at. We have to act. Not in a movie but we have to have to act real life. The Hokage split us into groups of two for this. One group will be Kakashi and Sakura being a small family, while the other is Sasuke and"

"Why do I need to date you dobe?"

"The Hokage said this is a homophobic village so this will distract them while Kakashi and Sakura are our protection. As this goes on I will use a shadow clone and do the rest of the mission. Does everyone understand their parts?" I looked around to see a sad Sakura while the boys are neutral. "We will be here for about three weeks. Any questions about the mission?" After I said mission I saw all three mouths close.

"Ok than now I know you have questions about other matters. Ask away." I braced my self for the questions I know are to come.

"How are you an anbu? Your so stupid!"

"I heard that kitsune is also called the  whispered kit. Why's that?"

"Why are you so hot?"

At the last one everyone shut up and looked at the one who spoke.

"Sasuke, what did you say?"

"Huh, I didn't say anything."

"You asked why Naruto was hot. Don't deny it we all heard you."

"I didn't say that." He quickly turned his head. "I asked why isn't he hot. He's in a long sleeved black shirt, with long black pants. And it also looks like there is no air circulation." He said like he put a lot of thought into it when he really didn't.

"Ya it's obvious that's what he said he doesn't like you." The annoying one said. Don't get me wrong I don't HATE her I just find her annoying. I can't believe I pretended to like her for so long.

"Sure. To answer your questions, I'm not an idiot I just acted that way, I'm called whispered kit because I use a jutsu called the whispered beast, I don't get to hot because this outfit actually does have circulation. One more question." I answered.

"Why are you a genin if your already an anbu?" Sasuke asked.

"I wanted to be an official ninja. Since I went straight from nothing to anbu and I was to young, I wasn't put on the public records so I decided to do that. I was hoping that if I was on the public records that the beatings would stop, they didn't."

"What beatings?"

"No more questions for now, let's get the mission started. You all remember your parts? Good."

With that we walked off the hotel we where going to be staying at.

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