A Mother and A book Worm

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Iwe clutched the soiled book to his chest and slumped toward the tables in the back of the plaza. He sat at a table near a girl eating what looked like strawberry cake. Iwe groaned and set his head down on the table. "my life is over."
Lets go back a few minutes.
Iwe was Using his splat charger at hump back pump track when a girl with an ink brush snuck up on him and splatted him. He was fine but the bag the book was in wasn't! It was soaked in bright pink ink and completly ruined.
"Oh my," An inkling girl who was passing by stopped to look at the ruined book. "What happened?"
Iwe looked up at the inkling and scowled. "Like you would care." he immediately rests his head back on the table and she sits down next to him.
"Now now," She pats his head soothingly. "I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. Here," She pulls out a handkerchief and attempts to wipe off the ink. Now the book was stained pink but you were now able to tell it was a book.
Iwe looked up again but his frown melted away.
"Oh, " He takes the book. "Thank you."
Sh wipes the ink onto the floor and wipes her hands off. "It was no problem at all. So why don't you tell me whats on your mind?"
"Oh, its nothing," he starts, "Its just that I was at a really suspenseful part, and i was planning on finishing the book right after the match!" Iwe was ranting on now, "and that stupid Paintbrush ruined everything! She ruined the book, she ruined the story, and she pretty much ruined my reputation at the library!!"
"Reputation at a library?" She asked.
"Yes!" he was angry now, "I always brought back all the books on time, in perfect condition, and i was respectful to everyone! The librarians trusted me and knew me by name! Now they won't ever trust me!"
"I don't think this small mishap, will make them not trust you," The inkling says soothingly. "And if you want, I'll give you money to replace the book if your that worried."
Iwe's head shoots up off the table "Really?!"
She laughs, "Of course silly~"
"But," He looks closer at the inkling. "I don't even know your name."
She holds her hand out to him. "Iya Nọmba, happy to help!"
Iwe shakes her hand "Iwe Eruku. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too."
"now that thats settled," Iya stands, "Ready to go to the library?"
Iwe stands and nods. "Lets go." 

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