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the exposition: freedom

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the exposition: freedom


WHEN ALONE IN a lavish manor that resided outside of the city, Alette Yolande, a woman of high status, was never be able to give justice to the scenery that layout in front of her home.

Since the seasons were changing, the trees would go from its pine green color to a 'squash orange'. She would sit on a chair and knit the same scarf she is never able to finish. Alette would grin and tell her maids and her neighbors of what she saw: flowers blooming in her garden and the market that seemed to be always bustling.

She would also tell her husband the many things she would see from their large veranda. Although her husband worked in Paris for the National Convention, he would come home twice a week to visit his wife. However, what her husband, Victoire, didn't know was that she was having an adulterous affair with Victoire's closest advisor.

Alette always had a suspicion that her husband would also have "matters to handle" outside of their marriage, but she knew there wasn't anything she could do. Alette would sit at home and wait for her husband to come back from his liaisons. But, today was different.

Her lover, Etienne- who had the kindest heart Alette had ever encountered- suggested that they should run away together at dusk the fortnight before Victoire would come home.

"Let's run away Alette," Etienne wrote to her in a letter a few days ago. "Victoire is coming home today and I can't bear that once he sees you he will end up in a brothel a few hours later."

The letter also included what Etienne had planned for them to leave. There was a section of the letter that said that Alette might have to pour a potion into Victoire's food. Alette had never considered killing her husband when told that they should leave. She may have been a cheating wife, but she was not a murderer. Grabbing a quill from Victoire's desk, Alette set out to write a letter.

"My Dear Etienne," she wrote, her hand aching since her skills in writing weren't used for a while. "I do want to leave; I truly do, darling, but you must consider my age... You're still a fine young man who can accomplish so much. You needn't worry about me; I have done fine even before our fateful encounter only months ago."

She folded the paper and placed a seal on the letter. If only she could've taken this opportunity and be happy. If only she had the courage. If only she allowed herself to be happy with the man she truly loves.

"But that won't happen anytime soon," Alette exhales and calls a maid to send the letter to a courier. It would be days when he would get the letter, but Victoire was coming home today and she can't leave everything behind. Not at this age...

That night, Alette went to her chambers with a heavy heart. The guilt eating at her from the inside, she wasn't able to sleep. She didn't even have a favorable opinion towards the room her husband recently refurbished to her liking; with red drapery, topped with gold accents and a mahogany desk that sat in the corner. The thick curtains covering the windows reached the entire length from ceiling to floor.

It wasn't until she heard a creak at the window that made her already alert nerves flinch. There was another creak, and this time Alette rose from her bed. She saw a dark figure standing outside her home and throwing pebbles at it. Confused about why anyone would do such a thing, she called a maid to go and see what was happening.

The maid scrambled back to her after being gone for only a few minutes. "Madame, Sir Pierre is here to see you at this hour. He says he has grave news."

"Alright, thank you, Winifred. You may go to your quarters with the others now." Alette smiled at her and went outside. Spotting Etienne had never been a hard task- especially at gala parties where they first met- so Alette was surprised how well he blended in with the shadows at this time of night.

"For what do I owe this pleasant visit? I thought you were tending to my husband in Paris?" Alette played with the hem of her lace cover-up, the nightgown she was wearing flew slightly due to the chilling wind.

"I was," Etienne looked haggard, like he hadn't slept for days and the color of his cheeks made it seem as if he were a rotting corpse. "Until Victoire found out about us."

"What?" Alette's eyes grew wide, the normal color of her sky blue eyes turned dark and indistinguishable from black, blazing with pure anger and shock. "How did he find out?"

"I heard that a recent letter had been intercepted earlier today. Was it the reply to my letter before? If it was, then we must leave. I have come to fetch you and we can leave together. Alette this is our golden opportunity, we must take it."

The wife knew that Etienne was right, but she knew at the same time that this was a situation she carried out for too long. This was never supposed to happen. Any of it.

"Etienne," she smiles a smile that she had perfected over the years through many social events where she was a display for her husband. "I have lived ten summers longer than you, but the past few months... The past few months have been the time where I felt most alive. I thank you, but you must understand that I am not a woman who is worth fighting for at this moment. I'm sure after me you'll find a fine lady who is near your age and unwed."

"I refuse to believe that you want me to leave you Alette. Is it because you do not share the same affections as I have for you?" 

"No!" Her answer shocked them both due to the intensity. "How could you doubt such a thing? Etienne, I love you more than I can imagine what 'love' even is."

The man paused, looking to be in full thought. Taking her hand in his, Etienne placed a kiss on the back of it.

"I will never doubt you again, my love. Now go get ready. I'm ready to start our new life."

"Alright, let me give it some thought and you will have your answer by tonight." Alette grinned and grabbed Etienne's hand leading them both back inside. Her heart blossomed at the thought of her near future.

This is it.

This was the moment she'd been waiting for. The moment to feel free.

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