deuxième partie

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the climax: vengeance

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the climax: vengeance


*Mature content ahead*

ETIENNE KNEW THAT somewhere along the way, his plan had the possibility of being compromised. One decision, one minuscule detail could destroy everything Etienne had been working for. The blood, sweat, and tears of his mother a vivid memory in his mind. He refuses to let anyone get in his way of revenge. Even the woman who had trapped him like a spider wrapping its prey on its silk web.

He wasn't sure what to think when she refused his offer to leave. Confused, maybe angry? Either way, Etienne knew that when it came to Alette, one wouldn't be able to exactly pinpoint how he truly felt around her.

His question had surprised both of them. Etienne never brought up the discussion of love over the course of their relationship. He wasn't in it for love, no, he was in it for revenge. What surprised him, even more, was that the woman who stood in front of him resembled his mother in many ways. When they had first met, Etienne thought for sure his deceased mother had come back to haunt him. It was obvious his father was not over his mother.

His relations with Alette made it obvious to Etienne, that he had unresolved maternal issues, but that was another topic of discussion he decided not to engage with.

By now, Alette had led them both into her chambers so that nobody would disturb them. "This extramarital affair does not define the emotions I have for you Etienne," she said in her Parisian accent. "However, you must realize I cannot simply leave everything behind."

He obviously knew that. If his mother had taught him anything, it was that people won't leave everything that has kept them comfortable for most of their life.

"Please," Etienne contorted his face into one that he knew Alette wouldn't be able to resist. "Do it for me. I promise you, I will keep you happy."

No, he wouldn't. If anything, he'd do the exact opposite. Etienne wanted more than redemption for the wrongdoings of the past. No, he wanted vengeance. To the point where both husband and wife were on their knees begging for his mercy.

But he has to take things slowly; or else everything he has worked for will fail.

"If you want me to think about it," Alette sighed in defeat. "Then I will consider for you."

"Thank you, my dear," Etienne grabbed her hand and squeezed it to show his gratitude. "I swear to you that I will find a way to get you out of here. We will go and start a new life in the Americas."

"The colonies?" Alette frowned. "Why travel there when we can go to Austria? Étienne, I know close ladies who will help us once they hear our story. Believe me, they will help us!"

"I'm sure they will," he nodded along. "Before that happens though, we must secure ourselves a plan."

"You're correct," Alette calmed down. Etienne noticed the small pendant on her neck that he had given to her weeks ago. Too bad that it was all a front. "You read my letter, so you must know that you may have to poison Victoire..."

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