Chapter 4

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August 6, 1998

"Gin, this is bad," George said, sitting on his bed.

"I know George," I groaned, laying down.

"Who would do that?" George asked.

"I don't know George," I replied, rubbing my face.

"How do we get them back?" He asked another question

"George," I growled. He sighed and laid down next to me.

"I know, I know," He said. I rolled over on my side to face him. He turned to face me. His ear facing up was gone, and the skin was red. His hair was still that vibrant red, and the fronts were sticking up. Freckles were spread across his face, similar to mine. He did look like George, since they were twins, but there freckles were a little different. George had bigger and wider freckles on his nose, but Fred had them on his left cheek. Their eyes though were the same. Bright, brilliant blue. Sparkling even when they were sad, with always that small twinkle of mischief dancing in them. Ron, Dad, and Bill all had the same blue, even if the color was off a little. Charlie, Percy, Mom, and I all have a bright brown.

"Whatcha thinking about Gin?" George said, smiling. I smiled back.

"You," I said happily. "And Fred." He stopped smiling. "Not how you're similar, but that you're very different. And we'll always remember him." I sighed and nestled farther into the blankets. George started to smile again.

"Yes, you're right. We are different. I'm the more handsomer twin." George winked at me. I laughed at his antics and the remembered the problem at hand.

"George," I started to say. "We do have a real problem. The Golden Trio is not here. Ring any bells?" I closed my eyes.

"Yes, yes I know. Let's head to the Ministry now and look around. We have to get them back," George agreed. He got off the bed and pulled me up with him. George put a look on his face that made him seem more determined. He led me out of my room and brought me far out in the backyard. "There's an Anti-Apparition charm on the Burrow;we'll apparate from here," George grabbed my hand and warned me to hold on. There was the familiar pull at my navel, and when I opened my eyes again, we were in front of the ministry.

"Ok," George said, pulling me towards the guest entrance. "Auror Department first."

And that's how we ended up crawling around in front of Kingsley Shacklebot. He was leaning against a desk, looking at us on the ground with his arms crossed. "Now," He hesitated. "What is the meaning of this again?" I started to explain what happened to Hermione, Harry, and Ron, and what she told us to do. I crawled behind the desk, looking for any sand.

"So the famous Golden Trio went back in time to when the infamous marauders graduated?" George and I nodded. "They did always have a way of finding trouble." He muttered. George snickered quietly. I went under a shelf to look for anything. I was about to turn away when something sparkly caught my eye. I turned back to look at it closer. It was small like a sand grain. Only, it was bright and glittery. It wasn't just one color;it depended on which way you look for the color it would shine.

"George? I found something," I called. I stood up and carried the bookshelf away. I leaned back down and George came over along with Kingsley. "It's this." I pointed to it. George went down next to me.

"Oooh. Sparkly," He said. "Kings-"

"Don't call me that."

"So Kings, you think it's time sand?"

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