Chapter: 7

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~Gray POV~ ~6 months later~

It's been one year since the whole thing with Hibiki and Haru. Hibiki had woken up again a while back. We haven't seen them since that day, thank God for that. Lucy has finished college and she's trying to get a job at Sorcerer Magazine. They are supposed to let her know if she's got the job this afternoon. I have a job with the army, I haven't gone anywhere to fight in the ongoing war in Syria. Lucy is really thankful; she always says that she doesn't know what she would do without me. I just got from work and I heard Lucy screaming from inside. I ran into the house to see what was wrong. Lucy jumped as I burst into the house.

"What's wrong Lucy!!" I yelled.

"Nothing!! I JUST GOT THE JOB AT SORCERER MAGAZINE!!!" She screamed.

"THAT'S AMAZING!!" She ran up to me and I hugged her, I spun her around. I stopped spinning her around and I kissed her. She kissed back and we broke a part. She had a big smile on her face which made me smile. I love to see her smile.

"I start on Monday!" She told me with excitement.

"That's cool Babe~"

"Oh, look at the time I should make dinner for us." Lucy started to walk over to the kitchen.

"Lucy what about we got out for dinner tonight since you got the job"

"Sure okay!"

"Just let me get out of my uniform." I started to walk to our room to get changed.

~30 minutes~

We got to a fancy restaurant and went inside.

"Welcome, table for two?" The waiter asked us.

"Yes, thank you" Lucy told the waiter. He showed us to our table and gave us the menu's. We look at our menu's and about 5 minutes later another waiter came and asked what we would like to order. We gave him our orders and he went away. Lucy and I were just talking when my work started to call me.

"One second Lucy work is calling me." I told her and walked away from her to somewhere quieter.

Boss= Bold Gray= normal


Hello Gray.

What's up.

We need you to be over at Syria, we are getting low on men.


We need you; you are the best we have so please will you go?

let me think about it... I don't know I have girlfriend and I don't know if I can leave her...

let us know by tomorrow. If you say no you will lose your job here. Goodnight Gray.

Bye sir...

~end of call~

I hung up the phone and started to make my way back to Lucy. I sat back down not wanting to tell her what the call was about.

"Hey what did work want?" She asked me.

"It's okay let's just enjoy tonight." I told her; the food came moments later.

~one hour later~

We are at home watching a movie called The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. When the movie was ending Lucy was crying. I thought about if I do go what will happen to Lucy... I look over at Lucy, she walks over to the kitchen. I only have in till tomorrow... if I go, I have to leave Lucy but if I don't go, I will lose my job... I must talk to her...

"Hey Lucy..."

"Yes Gray?"

"um... I have to tell you why work called me before..." She came over to me and sat next to me.

"What did they want?"

"They want me to go to Syria..." Lucy just sat next to me in silence...

For her: GrayluWhere stories live. Discover now