Chapter 1 (Rewritten)

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       "I know they speak your name, but where's the sound right now?"

        The car pulled to a complete stop and the boys could see Director Johnson surrounded by other staff and campers; the big man stood out with his large frame, big smile and 10-gallon hat. He certainly lived up to the descriptions that they had all been given. Kyler rushed out of the car to greet the man who had done so much for him, hell the man that changed his life or at least allowed him to do so on his own terms. The other boys trailed behind their lead singer slowly, glancing around at the place they would spend the majority of their summer. 

         "Davenport my man, good to have you back! You think your band of slackers can tough it out here with the rest of us?" Director Johnson questioned as he clapped Kyler on the back his question ending with a hearty chuckle. Kyler just gave him a grin and shook his head, and even his band mates noticed he seemed to be a little lighter when he was around the older man. Not one to stand by unnoticed, Evan spoke with a smirk,"Hey my name's Evan and I can assure you that I WILL be the best counselor to ever grace this camp." Director just smiled a secret smile and whispered to Kyler,"So this is the famous Evan Winters?" Ky blushed although he wasn't completely sure why and shook his head once more.

        Director Johnson let out one more chuckle before addressing the whole camp, "Alright everyone listen up, now that our last counselors have arrived I will be making groups, assigning Senior and Junior counselors, and picking cabins. To make things a little more clear Senior Counselors will be the ones that are technically in charge in my absence, Junior Counselors are in training to become Seniors. For all of those who are new to Clearview I am the camp director and there are a couple of ground rules, 1) Each camper must report to their group peer therapy session every day and other than that activities may be changed with permission from a counselor, 2) All Cabin/Room assignments are permanent so if you have a problem with it, get over it, 3)Any physical altercations will result in isolation, followed by dismissal from the camp, 4) Have fun because if you're gonna be here all summer you oughta make the most of it."

        After hearing the rules, Kyler couldn't help but think of the first time he had heard them, the speech hadn't changed since then although it felt like a lifetime ago. All in all, it made him sort of nostalgic, he was snapped out of his thoughts however as he heard Director Johnson speak again, "Okay for now I'm going to call out the names of the intensive groups* they need to get a move on right away. Group A will be Senior Counselor Kyler and Junior Counselor Avery with campers Aiden, Dana and Robbie. Group B will be Senior Counselor Marissa with Junior Counselor Evan and campers Carlos, Jordyn, and Cassidy. Group C will be Senior Counselor Michelle with Junior Counselor Jackson and campers Derrick, Dan, and Eliza. Please report to your assigned group and when you hear the horn, girls go to Cabin A and boys Cabin B."

       All of the staff and campers split into their respective groups according to whatever area the Senior Counselor happened to be waiting in. Avery jogged over to Kyler from his seat with the boys, "Looks like Group A has the dream team." he said with a smirk as their campers headed over. Kyler gave a nervous smile to his happy-go-lucky friend, he hoped he would be a better mentor than his were, he definitely recalled hating his counselors it was one of the reasons his process of "recovery" was hindered he thought in hind-sight. Soon enough two boys and a girl were standing in front of the anxious band mates.

        As they gathered around, Kyler realized it was time for the ice-breaker. With a sigh the singer spoke, "I'm Kyler Davenport, I'm 20, I'm in a band called High Resolution and I used to go to this camp when I was younger." He took in the faces of the 3 kids, their expressions neutral at his confession aside from a slight eyebrow raise from the girl. Avery followed suit and introduced himself as well, "I'm Avery, I'm 22, I'm a kick-ass drummer and I'm here to support my boy Kyle,"the red head said excitedly gripping Kyler's shoulders with a smile. The campers held on to their bored expressions. Finally the girl decided to introduce herself, "My name's Dana, I'm 18, and I'm figuring since you went to this camp you were,or hell maybe you still are, just as fucked up as the rest of us." She looked Kyler dead in the eye as she spoke a mischievous glint in her eyes.

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