Chapter 2

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"I can't stop praying you'll hear me play. I know that I'll be with you there someday."

           Kyler glared at the activities board willing the words on the paper marked Group A in big bold block letters to change. He had woken up early, before the annoying knock-knock jokes followed by an obnoxious fake laugh which sounded over the loud-speaker and served as the wake up call for everyone else at Clearview courtesy of Director Johnson. Kyler wanted to start off his time as a counselor on the right foot, especially after the less than happy events of the previous night. He had hoped that he hadn't embarrassed his group too much with the rest of the camp and was banking on the huge size and distance of the fire pit making it so that not everyone heard Trevor's outburst.

          Kyler couldn't even remember the last time he had been that mad at Evan, let alone mad enough to yell at the blonde haired boy. And what was even more frustrating for Kyler was the fact that he couldn't necessarily find a suitable reason for his anger. Sure Evan ignored him when he was upset, but Evan was a little self-centered and he knew that. Evan was his best friend and 99% of the time the asshole meant well and Kyler was usually able to put that in perspective. He also knew that Evan was a womanizer, it was a part of his whole shtick, yet he couldn't help the way his skin-crawled at the mere thought of perfect Marissa. Kyler was beginning to feel as though he was coming undone and it was making him more nervous than anything.

           Kyler shifted his thoughts from the confusing ones about Evan back to the angry ones surrounding his group's first activity for the day. "So Kyle, you about ready to fuck up everything you touch once again?" Trevor exclaimed loudly putting an arm around Kyler's shoulders as he mocked him. "I can't fathom why Johnson would let you run a peer group therapy session. Let alone make that the first thing you do. Hell, if these kids weren't already wanting to run for the hills they sure will be as soon as you open your mouth." He finished adding a sarcastic eye roll at the end. Kyler trembled at his harsh words.

          Yeah he was worried but he was different now, Kyler had proved that time and time again and he just knew he had something to offer the people at this camp. He was terrified of making any mistakes with the people that were looking up to him and he sure as hell didn't need Trevor in his ear. "Gosh Trevor, thanks for the encouragement. But on a more serious note I wanted to know if we could talk. Really Trev, a serious conversation... please! I just...I need to talk to you, to explain, to apologize... please," Kyler spoke falling off to a whisper towards the end. What happened with Trevor was one of Kyler's biggest regrets and he at least wanted the boy to hear him out. If he could take it all back he would.

           Trevor ripped his arm away from Kyler as if he had been burned. His mocking look that was tinged with annoyance became one of pure anger and it was obvious that hidden beneath that was a whole lot of hurt. "Kyler get this through your head right now, I will never listen to what you have to say. I will never forgive you. And you will always be the same disgusting person you were 5 years ago." Trevor shouted spitting the last words out, his face red with rage. Kyler shrunk in on himself as he watched Trevor storm away. With a sigh Kyler headed over to his group's designated area, lay down in the grass and patiently waited for the time that the others would arrive.

          Kyler liked to think that he was doing the right thing, something that would make them proud and prove that he had truly changed from the "troubled" kid that stumbled into Clearview against his will 5 years ago. Kyler was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice that all of his group had assembled in the regimented group therapy circle. He was abruptly brought back into the real world by a to-be-expected quip from Dana, "So Boy Wonder, plan on getting this show on the road any time soon?"Her remark was followed by a hair-flip, a snort from Avery, a light laugh from Robbie, and a surprising wink from Aiden.

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