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Welcome to Westerburg, the high school where you will be most likely tossed aside, and treated like dirt. Thanks to the Heathers, your last year here will be Hell. What's their damage? I'm not sure. I do know that if you do a large favor for either of the three Heathers, they will repay you. How do I know? I'm Veronica. Veronica Sawyer. Yes, I've finally graduated from that madhouse, but I know for a fact that the Heathers' legacy lives on. They may not be named "Heather," but don't let that fool you — they'll all act the same, I know it. My boyfriend — uh, ex-boyfriend — Jason Dean, murdered their leader. Great, right?! Well... he murdered the star football players as well, so... sigh.

JD actually wanted to blow up the entire school, but he didn't. Because... our love is God? Whatever. He ended up blowing himself up, taking the path of suicide just like his mother did. 


All things aside, I hope you make this year the best you can, and try and climb your way out of Hell without ruining your clothes in the process. It may look hard, but it isn't impossible. Trust me, I survived it. I mean, come on... I'm a dead girl walking.

Anyway, have fun. Make this year, your year. Start it off right... if possible.

With love, 

~Veronica Sawyer

"Dear Diary, My teen angst bullshit now has a body count."

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