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Full Name: Dagen Ryu

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Grey Asexual

Ethnicity: Asian (more specifically, Korean, though that isn't really an ethnicity)

Role: (special role, lol) Older sister of troublemaker

Personality: Dagen is definitely not a people person. She despises majority of people and prefers to be alone because she believes that she is not as much of an idiot as the rest of the world. She has a hard time keeping her thoughts to herself and easily slips some salty remarks. Of course, she is a genuine person, so her sassy comebacks aren't exactly "on accident." Dagen is passionate about what she does, which is probably why she decided to go to college. She went to college to be an Olympic athlete for taekwondo, and she's doing pretty well. Unlike her younger brother, she tries her best to stay out of trouble. However, she won't hesitate to defend herself and others if necessary.

Backstory: Dagen was adopted. She wasn't emotionally affected by this, but she did feel the need to connect with her heritage. Therefore, she wanted to do taekwondo to grow closer to her Korean ancestry. She has also been trying to learn Korean to prepare herself for her first visit to Korea in the future.

Face Claim: Jiwoo of KARD (with dark brown/black hair

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Likes: Dagen loves taekwondo, black clothes, hoodies, and boots

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Likes: Dagen loves taekwondo, black clothes, hoodies, and boots. She has a soft spot for her adoptive brother. She also likes watching MMA matches.

Dislikes: Because she is stronger than many people, she despises weak people that can't defend themselves. She also prefers if piercings never existed. (She watched a fight in which someone's piercing was pulled out, and it would be a lie if she said she wasn't disgusted after watching it.)

Other: She has an intermittent explosive disorder.

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