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Full Name: Kieran Jay McKing (Hicks).

Age(17-19): Eighteen.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Ethnicity: Caucasian and East Asian.

Role: The Sadist/Psycho.

Personality: Kieran is rather charming upon regular social interaction, whether it be how kind he seems or the way he attempts to throw nonchalant flirting into most situations, no one knows. He can be sarcastic and/or witty at times, but it takes a lot of thinking, so he keeps it to a minimum. He's always been a people person, despite how much he dislikes them as a whole. He's exceptionally good at concealing his true thoughts and feelings, most importantly the dark ones. He's also overly emotional in some instances, such as when he's offended or feels untrusted. Mostly, though, this is an act to get whoever he is trying to talk to into staying around/with him. While he is rebellious, most adults or people of higher authority seem to absolutely love him. He's quiet, and his "mysterious" appearance isn't really an act. He doesn't like speaking of his family, perhaps because of the unhealthy hate he feels for them. Fighting is his way of letting all of his emotions out, and was originally his main thought process until homicide became an accessible choice for him.

Backstory: In a family, sometimes love and support just isn't enough. His parents got along decently, if you ignored the constant clash of broken objects and shouting when they got into a disagreement, and tried their hardest to be there for their children. His mother was what most might call an angel in disguise, but his father was something completely different. He was a nice guy when people were around, but when it came down to the few alone moments he got with Kieran, things took a different route. The man held little to no love for his eldest son, and from the young age of six, Kieran picked up on it. This caused him to dislike him as well. It was initially out of pure spite, but later turned into something much deeper. He has a little brother who's ten and looks up to him. His parents are now separated, not officially divorced, and himself and his brother currently live with their father. He's hoping to get out of there soon, but the likelihood of that is pretty much nonexistent. He has gotten to a point where he despises his family as a whole, and the reasoning behind it is confusing and unclear, even to him. His mother insisted on giving him both her last name (McKing) and his fathers (Hicks) when he was born, so now he's saddled with both of them.

Face claim: Timur Simakov.

Face claim: Timur Simakov

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Likes: horror movies; murder; foreplay; weapons of any kind; fights, even in cases where he isn't directly involved; "good girls"; sleep

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Likes: horror movies; murder; foreplay; weapons of any kind; fights, even in cases where he isn't directly involved; "good girls"; sleep.

Dislikes: people who think they're better than everyone; therapists; sports; cats; strawberry flavored milk (or strawberry flavored anything); when people don't agree with him; the insult "crazy" (or anything in that domain) really gets to him. He's likely to freak out if someone spits that at him.

Other: His father, being a police officer with a "good dad" reputation, taught him how to shoot a gun upon his asking. Kieran hadn't been expecting him to agree, but when he did, he wasn't about to back out. He now keeps one in his bag at all times. ; He actually kind of likes getting hit a few times when he's in a fight, as the pain gives him a sensation that he's unable to explain. Despite this, he cares about his own well being far too much to indulge in self-harm. Causing others pain (such as both of the jocks, who he fights on a regular basis), gives him the same wild sensation.

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