Land's Sea

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There goes a story about two lovers,
And you know the two quite well,
One of the ground we tread upon,
And the other of the shell.

Land heard Sea's lullaby,
She fell asleep and soon,
She found she couldn't help but listen,
and love his little tune.

Sea fell in love with Land's strength,
The creatures that dwell her top,
And beneath her hard, black crust,
There lies beauty within her rock.

They fell in love with one-another,
But there were those who tried to tried them part,
The Sky, so blue with sadness,
Sky tried to tear their love apart.

Sky separated Land from Sea,
Turn Sea into a form not his own,
He drifted far about his Land,
He called the Sky his home.

Secretly, when Sky's not looking,
His tears fall onto Land,
Sea reaches out and touches the Earth,
As if holding his maiden's hand.

He cried and cried and then he found,
Part of him had changed,
He was spread across the Earth,
Land, his lover, he embraced.

Fear not for this sad story,
For this is not the end,
Of adventures of sly Sea,
And of Land, his fair maiden.

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