Chapter 2

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Sorry I realized that my first chapter was super short. That was pre-written on word; so it seemed like a lot more. My goal per chapter is 500 ish words? I'll see how that works out ;)

*Next morning (saturday btw)*

        It was only 10 but I heard my mom yell from downstairs "Sky, Hayes, Sophie & Nash get down here we want to tell y'all something!" I poked my brother which now came off as a stupid idea because he never gets up. So I came up with a plan; I grabbed his microphone plugged into some speaker. Then I jumped on the bed screaming through the microphone "Nashtyyyyyyyyy get your sleepy ass uppppp" continueing that untill nash grabbed me off the bed and put me on the floor and went back to bed. After that I screemed "Lifffffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeee alertttttttttttt! I'm on the floor and can't get up." Nash laughed and then mom knocked on the door asking to come in. We were laughing so hard we couldn't talk so she barged her way in. She then repeted her message for Nash saying "Dad and I need to talk to you so you two need to move your little bootys downstairs. Nash then got up and stuck his butt by her face yelling "I thought it was big cuz I'm Rebecca and my bootay is big" fake crying. All my mom did was leave the room reminding us to be downstairs asap.

Once we made our way downstairs I started to think about what this could be about. I started to worry because last time we had a family discussion we were moving across town. Tears started to fly but I wiped them trying not to cause any more friction since I was the glue that held together this family. My mom gathered us all in our living room. My dad started to talk about his job and how he had been "relocated". My worries had risen and as I was about to begin to panic he released the news "we are moving to the perfect town of Santa Monica. His job is really in Los Angeles but the family decided they would like a smaller town for once. They also showed us pictures on our projector. The town was costal, safe, pretty and looked very rich and hipster. *you should look on google images Santa Monica*. Everything was basicly decided; house, location, school, life, all of that. Everyone's reaction was different from mine. Sky was happy because she didn't know much about moving; she thought of it as a perimanant vacation. Nash and Hayes were happy because it was great for friends with Vine and YouTube. Mine: went more on the lines of everything that I'm happy and content with is being taken away from me. My reaction was very different to what my feelings were. While everyone was so excited they didn't even notice me; almost like things went back to the past even though Nash wasn't there for me this time. I wispered to Nash "can I talk to you about this move thing". He probably assumed it was happy so he replied with "Sure, can it wait till tomorrow though I want to Skype all my internet friends with the fantastic news.

With that I ran up to my room. I slammed my door hoping someone would come up and ask me the small question that meant they cared- Whats wrong. No one followed. Like old times much? They never cared- were they the ones who just pretended. My own family. I waited for an hour, a long hour of tears forming a tsunami across my face. I then realized no one cared. I decided that no one was coming... and no one was ever coming. I cried myself to sleep that night, which had not happened in a long time.

In the morning I saw a neon orange sticky note. Sophie~ Give me back my sweatshirt. I tried texting you. NO ANSWER just great. The guys are coming over for the last week we are here. BTW your tweets are depressing so you need to stop. Just some helpful advice from the most awesome person in the world you should maybe drop a few? Its LA and all so... maybe we could do it together. I know your insecuire and all so I thought it might help. Plus I was just passing down what the boys said. I dont want it to be awkward when they come to our house in Santa Monica. For me?! ~Nash

I can't belive that Nash would even say those things. He is probably blind sided by the moving thing but he needs to stop using excuses. I give up; I finally thought I looked okay but now i need to "drop a few"?!

*9 weeks pass*

It is 1 week till we leave and 9 weeks since 'the note'. I had stopped eating and only layed in bed. I decided to get out of bed and get ready for this long week to come. I showered (which was very needed). My hair was next it ended up being a rats nest but once I got done I put it into a long french braid down my back. Then I did my make-up. I put my outfit which consisted of a crop top that had #HIPSTER printed on it and a faded starbucks logo and then I stuck some leggings on. As I headed downstairs I heard something. What was it that I was forgetting about today.

OOOOOOOOO whats coming next!!! BTW I had 936 words so very long update for you guys :)

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