Chapter 3

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        A/N: Okay, sorry I haven't posted in a few weeks. I was thinking no one liked it so I sorta stopped. I had a little break so I'M BACK! :)

Sophie POV:

        I headed down the stairs very carefully to make sure nobody heard me. Then I peaked around the wall dividing the stairs and our entry and living room. After I peeked around the corner and then I saw 6 boys with their phones recording while "SPLAT" a pecan pie hit my face. I swiped the cake from my eyes then threw it at Nash who looked totally surprised and speechless as long as the other magcon guys expressions. Nash spit out "Why are you so skinny?" Then a boy in a tye dye bandanna told me "eat something, would yeah!" Then all the boys burst out laughing except Nash and a boy with a guitar in his lap. I could not even begin to understand what I felt until tears began rushing down my cheek. I found my inner confidence then screamed "Maybe I should loose a few" and all the boys faces changed to hurt and sad. Then I felt dizzy and hit the floor. Everyone rushed over and formed a circle around me as Nash shouted my name. I wanted to slap him but all I could do is listen and see everyone as I lay here in a form 'dead'. I kept trying to respond but then a sound came out that sounded a little bit like "yyy....eaaa...h". One of the boys brought me a glass of water and after that I felt better, or at least able to sit up. Another brought me a protein bar so I opened it then as it was going to my mouth I saw relief in Nash's face. I heard a voice telling me not to eat, do you want to be any fatter?

        So I threw it at Nash and then tried to run upstairs but my body decided that they weren't going to let me do that. I wobbled but regained my balance. Once I reached my room I was slamming my door shut when a boy put his foot in the door. He asked "hey we can chat in your room or we can have all the boys come up here too... NAAS" that's when I interrupted him and yanked him into my room and locked my door. I sat on my bed and a smirk wouldn't come off his face. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1.... " mystery boy whispered, then Nash pounded on my door yelling for me to open up, how he was sorry, and a bunch of other things that were only words that didn't mean anything to him. I was tired... tired of life, Nash, hunger, fake words, no one being there... everything. He deserved to feel the pain I have felt so I quietly and calmly told him "I'm done Nash. Please leave me alone". I felt like I had let it all out even though this was just a small slice of my worries. I heard him mumble many things in between sniffs then mystery boy interrupted him and told him "Nash I think it would be best just to let her have some peace right now dude. You told her what you wanted to say and  the only other thing you can do is pray to god that she will forgive you." for some reason I felt that he understood my feelings before I did. Nash replied with a short "take care of my little sister, bro". Then I heard many footsteps go down the stairs then lots of talk from downstairs which was all mumbled so I could not understand what they were saying.

        The boy could tell I was trying to ease drop so he distracted me by starting a conversation. "So your probably wondering who I am by now" I nodded since I was basically speechless. "Well, I'm Shawn Mendes. I'm part of Magcon, as you probably know. I love music, including singing, guitar and fan girling." So that is basically me, what about you? I tried to regain my voice but it was not working very well so he said "I'll go get you some water". He came up to me and whispered in my ear "After I leave you can lock your door if you don't want anyone up here. Our key word is purple squishy octopus then you'll let me back in, okay?" I nodded my head. *skip to when Shawn gets back* "Purple Squishy Octopus" he whispered through the door. I opened up and locked it back up. He brought a milk carton filled with water and a cup. As I was drinking he told me his sisters anorexia story which went along the lines of this. She hid from everyone while Shawn was on tour and stopped eating. Shawn helped her get back on track when he got back and the sister was telling lies the entire time. Shawn got an offer to go on another magcon tour and she told him to take it. Two nights before Shawn got back her heart failed in her sleep. When going through her things a month later they found notes 'just in case' his sister explained everything. The sad thing is her last words on the letter was "at least I died skinny right?" By that time I was in tears and so was he. (A/N: This is not true about Shawn's sister. Just made up to add a connection to Shawn and Sophie). Shawn always knew how to deal with things so he sang. I fell asleep to him singing die young by band Perry.

Nash's POV (same day and events)        I heard Sophie getting ready so I thought it would be funny to smack cam her. We got everyone set up with cameras and then I grabbed a pie from the kitchen. She was quietly walking down the stairs then she peeked her head around the corner and I smacked her in the face with the pie. She scraped it off her eyes and flung it at me. I realized how she became really skinny so I  blurted out "why are you so skinny?" Some how this offended her and I saw it in her face then Taylor swung the second punch by saying "eat something would yeah?" Then almost everyone cracked up. Tears streamed down her face and she yelled "Maybe I should loose a few" where was she getting this? I thought she was finally happy with her body. Ohhhh... my note. Then she tried to run upstairs but then wobbled and fell down. I started to panic as all the guys made a circle around us, all I could do was yell her name. She finally responded with a weak yeah. Aaron got her water and we all just sat there. Then Cam got a protein bar. She drank the water and then felt better. Cam then handed her the protein bar and as she unwrapped it I started to calm down thinking that she would actually eat. She then threw it at me and ran upstairs. I was so shocked so I didn't even think about following but Shawn did. I heard a yell of NAAAS then a slam. I ran up there and talked to Sophie for a long time then Sophie told me she was done and wanted me to leave her alone. I begged her to talk to me then Shawn told me "Nash I think it would be best just to let her have some peace right now dude. You told her what you wanted to say and  the only other thing you can do is pray to god that she will forgive you." I felt that she was in good hands considering Shawn's sister but to remind him I told him "take care of my little sis, bro".

        Then the guys and I went downstairs. People started to talk but all I could focus on was how hurt my little sister was probably in when I was supposed to be her protector not her destructing force. Then Cam snapped me out of it. Everyone knew that she was talking about that one day while scrolling through the yearbook instagram put on by the populars making fun of certain people. They saw a picture of a girl (Sophie; not known at the time). They called her many names including fatty which was what Nash heard. Then Nash had his gf brake up with him and he was angry so he brought it out on Sophie with that note. We stayed up late talking, we discussed just about everything.

        We heard Shawn come down the stairs, wow he was up there for a long time. Everyone asked how she was. I was madat everyone for wanting to know so I screamed "You guys don't even know her so just let me deal with it, back off". Shawn felt bad and knew her the best out of the rest so he told me "Don't you dare tell these boys off for caring about your sister for the damage you caused. Maybe next time you should be more worried about how your sister is doing for gods sake!" There was a lot of tension between Shawn and I so as always Cam breaks the tension. He responded "Nash we know this is hard for you but we all are just trying to help and it's okay that we care about your sister, we are all a family." Then we went into a group hug. It was almost 4am so we headed downstairs to go to bed. All I could think was that this will be a very long 4 days until we move. 

 A/N: WOW! Huge Chapter! And Happy Fathers Day tomorrow. I got 1660 words so no more short chapters for you all! :)


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