Chapter 3 My Favorite Game

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After a long hard day at school, I go home to relax and do some homework before running off with my friends to do parkour. I park my bike next to Shauna's blue Toyota Tundra and strip off my biker gear before entering the house by the garage door.

"Shauna! I'm home!" I call out as I head to the kitchen.

"How was school, sis?" she asks, wrapping her arms around my waist as I pull a bottle of water from the drawer in the stainless steel fridge.

"It was as beautiful as my favorite sister," I reply, turning to hug her back.

"Aww, aren't you sweet? What do you want?" she teases, flipping her shoulder length black hair over her shoulder.

I laugh before saying, "Nothing at the moment. The guys and I tried that new Chinese place for lunch today."

"Was it any good?" she grabs a yogurt cup from the fridge before the door closes.

"Oh yes! My yat gaw mein was perfectly creamy and so hot it made me melt," I review, remembering my strange fortune cookie.

"Mmmmm, sounds delicious!" Shauna spoons her peach cobbler yogurt into her mouth.

"I have a little bit of homework, Shauna, then I'm going down to the warehouse." I tell her.

"No work today?" she asks around a spoonful of yogurt. I notice her bright pink tank top strains a little more than usual around her midsection and her Daisy dukes are tight and ride low on her perfectly sculpted hips.

"Not today. They're training some new guy and you know how I am about insolence." I say as I swing my back pack onto my shoulder.

She laughs as I take the stairs and walk down the hall to my door. I pull out my key and stick it into the black door knob. I look over all the stickers covering the door. The giant BMX sticker and dozens on dozens of skate company logos mixed with suzuki and yamaha stickers literally cover the door. The black door knob is the only thing not covered in stickers. I turn the key in the lock and enter my room. Flipping the white switch, the room is flooded in white light, the walls a light grey. Posters for all sorts of bands and music stars cover the furniture. The ceiling is painted to look like a black and white checkers wave. The floor in this room is white oak with a few colorful tyedye throw rugs. The windows are covered in stained glass paint with black curtains. My queen sized round bed with it's black and silver sheets dominates the corner farthest from the window. A vanity sits by my personally installed sound system, complete with speakers mounted in the ceiling corners around the room. The wall across from my bed is covered in bits of cork board, shards of mirror, and bike and car parts. A dresser takes it's position in another corner with my rainbow lamp behind it. A strobe light perches under a speaker in the corner closest to the door. Three lights hang from the center of the ceiling; a black light, a red light, and a purple light. A laser strobe hangs in the center of these and gives off different color lasers and is controled by a remote panel over the light switches. Each light set has it's own switch and code on the wall by the door. Yeah. My room is awsome.

I throw my back pack on top of the dresser and pull out my calculus book. I jump on my bed and open up to page 59...

Twenty minutes later I'm changing into a pair of clean short black sweat pants and a white wife beater with my biker gear on top.

I run down the stairs and out the garage door. I slip on my sleek black helmet and start up my bike. I wave to Veronica's husband, Rodrigo as he pulls up in his maroon camero and I slip off the driveway and speed off down the street.

About twenty minutes later, I pull up to the warehouse and cut my engine. I run inside and strip off my biker gear before entering the main area.

"Hey, Catalina!" Brendan calls, "What took you so long? We were about to send a search party!"

"Calculus homework, man. Sucked so bad." I tell him as I go through my stretches.

"Ah, the evils of school... Homework." he rubs his goatee thoughtfully.

"Make sure you actually stretch, don't just go through the motions." Parker calls from the ceiling beam above me.

"Yes sir," I chime as I do a smooth back bend.

From the position I notice Janice in the far corner fighting with a guy that's usually going at a punchingbag like it hurt his sister. I watch as Janice spars with the man threes times her size. The bell rings just as I'm finishing my twenty pushups. The man and Janice shake hands before I realize that Janice won.

"Hello sweetness," I hear Lucien from the door.

I rush to hug him before saying, "You made it!"

"Sweet mess is more accurate." I hear Daren joke. I turn and see his ever smiling face next to Laverne's stern pose.

"Hey guys," Lucien tells them, "How've you been?"

"Same old same old." Laverne says cooly.

"Well," I say, breaking the awkward tension, "let's go!" and I race off towards the air ducts climbing the West wall.

I jump onto the lost duct and leap to the next one. I keep climbing the ducts, higher and higher. Once at the top I stop for a moment to let the guys catch up.

"Let's play follow the leader." I suggest and they nod. I turn to smile at them before I step to the edge of the duct and backflip onto a ceiling beam a short ways below us. I land like a ninja before quickly rolling to the left and right off the crate. I fall twelve feet before landing on the next crate. I run along the next three crates before I jump a four foot gap with a three story fall to get to another crate. I vaguely hear Falling Away From Me by Korn playing over the speakers as I count the crates I run over.

1... 2...3...4...5...6...

I jump down a gap between the crates and count to three before I grab the wall and swing myself into the tunnel. I twist and land facing forward and run through the tunnel until I come to the end. I jump out and grab the bar and use it to propel myself forward to the next stack of crates. I run the length of two crates before I slide under a third. I hit the wall of crates running and climb up the ten crates to get to the next level. I glance over my shoulder to see the boys not far behind the crate I just went under. Daren jumps over it head first and tumbles into a run before running three steps up the wall and grabbing the edge. Laverne uses the edge of the crate to vault over it and land running. Lucien manages to jump onto it and jump the length of two crates before scaling the wall. I run off the crates and land on a high bar. Fom there I jump out far and grab the next bar, swing feet first before letting go and flipping onto the next bar. I jump off hard and grab the next bar, swinging backwards until I'm almost 'laying' on my stomach before letting go and catching the next bar. My feet swing over the bar and I hold myself over the bar for a moment before leaning forward and swing back. As I swing forward I spin my entire body in a seven hundred twenty degree turn before flipping forward and grabbing the bars on the wall. I push off and flip back wards onto a crate a few feet below me. I land with one knee down like a runner and launch myself off the crate to the wall again. I climb head first down the support beam until I'm a few feet above the floor. Then I let my feet drop over my head to the floor. The boys soon join me on the ground.

"That was absolutely amazing, Catalina!!!" Lucien exclaims breathlessly, "You have to let me come again!"

"Of course," I reply, "and you don't have to be with us. You can come any time you want."

"Thanks, Cat." he gives me his rarest smile and I feel myself get a bit red.

It's just from running I tell myself. This is my favorite game of course.

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