Chapter 4 Saying My Prayers

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When I leave the warehouse, it's already dark outside and I'm exhausted.

"Text me when you get home, OK?" Laverne tells me, holding my biker jacket open for me.

"Yes, daddy," I tease, shrugging the cool leather onto my hot skin.

"Night, Cat!" Parker calls from the warehouse door.

"Night, Parker! Don't drink too many Monsters!" I call back, "Night boys!" I tell them as I mount my bike and turn the engine.

"See you tomorrow for lunch?" Lucien asks from the saddle of his Harley.

"Of course! When have we ever skipped our Thursday luncheons?" I reply.

"That time you had to stay after class to tutor those 8th graders in the advanced placement program, " he counters.

"Well I'm not doing that this month so we are on for tomorrow!" I kiss my fingertips and touch his cheek, "Drive safe, babe."

He grabs my hand and kisses my fingertips, "You too, Catalina." And with that he rumbles off into the night.

"Good night, Cat, " Daren says, slapping my shoulder lightly.

"Drive safe, Catalina, " Laverne says, his hand covers mine on the handlebar, "And don't forget to text when you get home."

"I will, Laverne," I promise as I pull my helmet on.

"Hey, Joe! Do you need a lift or is someone coming for you?" Laverne offers her.

"I want to walk tonight," she replies, rolling her shoulder as she pulls on her skully and wipes the sweat off her face with the towel draped around her neck.

"Joe, you know I'm not going to let you walk home alone at night," he tells her as she hugs me goodnight. "Just get in my car, you know it's no trouble for me to drive you home," I hear him tell her as I rev my engine and pull away.

The ride from the warehouse back to Shauna's house is too quiet so I turn on my ipod and 37 Stitches by Drowning Pool blasts inside my helmet. I sing along to keep myself awake as I fly down the road.

When I finally slip into the garage, I can barely keep my eyes open. I rub my bike's handlebar before I quietly go inside and text Laverne as I slip through the house, up the stairs and into my room. I throw my phone on my bed and peel off my clothes before jumping into the shower and scrubbing away all the dust and sweat of the day. When I've cleaned up I towel off and pull on a pair of soft plaid boxers and a grey tank top.

I dim the lights with the dimmer switch and the room looks as if lit by candles. I slowly drop to my knees by my bed and fold my in front of me. I close my eyes and raise my head.

"Dear all powerful and merciful gods watching over and governing all the lands and elements. I give thanks to each of thee for all you have allowed me to do today and..." I can't help it but I fall backwards laughing hysterically at myself 'praying'. "Oh great and powerful gods!" I can't stop laughing, "I did everything I did today on my own, so thanks for nothing!" I roll over onto my side still laughing. "Like I'm going to give you credit for something you didn't do! And to top it off I've never seen any of you!" I wipe away my laughing tears as I pick myself up off the floor and drop back down on my bed. I give a few more chuckles as I slowly calm down and look at my phone.

LAVERNE: glad ur home OK... sleep tight... im bringing brekfast & coffee 4 us in th mornin...

ME: sounds good...c u thn...gnite L

I plug in my phone and set my alarm for tomorrow before dropping it on the floor and snuggling up under my cool dark sheets. I recall the story of Hecate, the moon goddess, and Persephone, queen of the underworld. When Persephone was raped by Haides, no one but Hecate heard her scream. Hecate went straight to Persephone's mother, Demeter, who went with her to retrieve Persephone from the underworld. When Hecate told Demeter what had happened to Persephone and Persephone confirmed, Demeter was distraught. Hecate then became friend and protector to Persephone, who became queen of the underworld and gained the power to damn men's souls.

I laugh at the story. Why would I worship a God that can't even protect themselves? Hahaha! But some of the stories are very interesting. How certain gods came to be and how they came into their powers. How they live and their weaknesses.

I feel my eyes get heavier. My body feels as if it is sinking into my soft bed. I let my eyes closed hard and tight and I know that tonight I will dream.

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