Chapter 6

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Courtney's POV


They gave me a pair of denim jeans, a gray, loose fitting shirt and converse for me to change into. "Thanks for making me feel free from this prison" i comment, looking down at the t shirt that had the prison's logo on it "Hey.. speak to the warden about that.. it's not like we designed them ourselves, just go and change into those" I did what i was told then a different officer escorted me out of the prison. 

"You are to stay in the Omaha area and only the Omaha area.. you may not purchase, use or consume any narcotic drugs, Marijuana, Oxycodone, Methadone, Morphine, Alcohol.. blah blah blah.. i say this nearly every single day and it gets fucking tiring but you get what i'm saying" the officer chuckles "Of course" i smile, nodding my head "We'll all see you back on Sunday afternoon.. have fun" he says "Don't you worry, i definitely will" i chuckled as a black jeep pulls up front "That's him!" i exclaimed, jumping up and down. Jack comes into view and i run up to him, jumping into his arms. We just stand there for a while enjoying the presence of each other.

"Oh my god" i sigh literally melting into Jack's touch. Yet again he smells fucking amazing. I will never get over the smell of his cologne. "How are you?" he asked, smiling widely at me as he opened the car door for me. He then ran around to his side of the car, getting in and driving off "Well i've been felt up twice, patted down three times, stripped searched twice and did a squat and cough, all in the span of an hour... so yeah i'm just peachy" i chuckled"Oh yeah.. and just when i was going to be free from that place they give me this to change into" i say pointing to the logo. 

"What the hell is a squat and cough" he asked "It's when you strip naked, in front of the officer of course and you squat and you cough to see if you've stuck anything up your um.. ass.. and uh.. the other way" i explained slowly. It was dead silence after that. It was completely awkward. "Let's um.. never talk about that" Jack says breaking the silence "Agreed! yep! 100% agree" i nodded my head and smiled slightly "Alright! you are free! is there anywhere you would like to go before i drop you off at your house?" he suggested "Um yeah! if you don't mind.. University of Omaha.. my non prison best friend goes there.. it's like ten minutes away from my house" i said. 

"University of Omaha we shall go" Jack said in a weird accent, making me laugh. "Okay.. i need to listen to your music because i haven't in like a full week" i take out my bun and my phone falls in my lap. "Holy shit!" Jack laughed, looking over at me then focusing back on the road "I was so lucky with this.." i chuckled "They almost made me take my bun out to search for any contraband but they were like who cares.. Courtney's one of the best inmates they ever had, what could she be sneaking out' so they let me go" i added. I put the AUX cord into my phone, pressing play on 'Wrong One' one of personal favourites. 

I nod my head along to the song and occasionally start singing. As we finally arrive in Omaha and at the university Jack parks the car then we walk through to reception. "Hi.. we're here to visit Francesca Patterson" i smiled "Oh.. okay" she said in the most montoned voice i have ever heard "Usually you have to ring us first to let us know your coming but i'll let it slide.. here are your passes" she hands us lanyards with Visitor written across them. "Her dorm number is.. 26, level 5 in this building" We put the lanyards around our necks and walk off to the elevator, taking it to the 5th level. Jack and i walk down the hall and finally find room 26 and knock.

"It's open!" someone says from the other side of the door. I open the door and enter, with Jack behind me. Francesca's back was facing us so i decided to sneak up on her. I put one hand on her mouth and my other arm goes gently around her neck. She freaked the fuck out. She started screaming and thrashing around to get out of my grip. "Courtney!" Franny exclaimed, hugging me once she realized it was me not some murderer "Jack hi!" she smiled hugging him as well "Hey Francesca" Jack chuckled. Her roommates were also cracking up at her reaction. "Yeah.. ha ha ha" Franny said sarcastically "Anyways.. what the hell are you doing here?" she asked. 

"My furlough was approved and now i have a week out of that shit hole" i explained "I'm so happy! you should of told me!" she beamed "I was only told yesterday and i was way too excited to call but i'm here now" i smiled "But not to long because i actually want to take Courtney out tonight for our first official date" Jack smirked and winked at me. My heart fluttered as he winked at me. "What!?" Franny exclaimed "Go now! i demand you to leave right now" she attempted to push us out the door but failed "This is the first time hearing this" i raised my eyebrows "Well it's called a surprise" he teased "But i'm hoping you still agree?"

"Definitely" i smile even wider and lean my head against Jack's chest. He then wraps an arm around my shoulders "Oh i'm gonna faint" Franny fans her face, over exaggerating "Your so extra!" i exclaimed, laughing "Alright.. you don't have a lot of time so sit down, make yourselves comfortable and i'll make some coffee for us" Jack and i sit down on the couch and i take my phone out again. "I wanna take as many photos together as i can so i can print them out, and stick them on the wall when i go back to prison" i say "And we'll take as many as we need" he replies, kissing the top of my head. 


"Okay.. Franny is taking way to long.. lets see what she's up to" i say grabbing a hold of Jack's hand and leading him to the kitchen. I stop in my tracks when i hear my name being mentioned by one of Franny's roommates, so i eavesdrop to hear what they are saying. "Francesca.. i don't want Courtney here in this dorm room, our dorm room.. i have my two little brothers in my room just down the hall.. you have to kick her out.. she is from prison for fucks sakes and i don't want her anywhere near me or my brothers" Before Franny could say anything i barge into the kitchen. 

"Maybe you and your brothers should stay away from me.. if you don't like me being here just ignore me or better yet walk away.. you don't even know what i go through. you know, just a couple months ago i thought this was it for me.. some person runs up to me and starts stabbing my arm and shoulder. All i was doing was minding my own business that day. Not only did she stab me but she grabbed me by the hair and smashed my head into the hard concrete wall. I had a bleeding head, bleeding arm and bleeding nose. Blood all over the place. I also had a concussion to added to that" I showed her my scared arm then continued.

"You wanna know how i ended up in prison.. i broke into someone's house and stole their stuff. Just for that i got 13 years in jail.. i now have 8 more years in there and it's a living hell.. So don't go up to my best friend telling her to kick me out.. you don't know me so just back off" I grab my coffee mug and Jack grabs he's. "Jack and i will be going now but we'll definitely hang out tomorrow" i smiled and hugged Franny then left the building. 

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