Ch.10 On the edge

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I walked towards the house my father lived in and my childhood home and stood in the doorway as all of the memories of waking up here and playing catch with him and playing in the tree house. The first bike ride he took me on when I was only 4 years old and my mother screaming it was to dangerous and I just giggled and dad laughed. "She'll be fine," was always his answer. When I got hurt he always distracted me and made me ignore the pain by making me laugh. When I got in trouble at school for defending myself and the principle yelled at him saying that there was bite marks on the kid and he lost a lot of blood he just defended me and told them to fuck off and that it wasn't me. He was never mad at me and when he was I learned my lesson real quick and never did it again. I walked in and found my bike in the garage where I had left it so many years ago. It was his bike, he had given it to me in his will for when he died I would get it, but since my mom died I was the only one left in my family. Sure he was able to communicate with me, I just missed him so much. I started him up and he roared to life and I couldn't help but smile and feel like myself again. I rolled it out of the garage and rode it down the road. I know I was speeding when the cop had their sirens on, but ignored it and caused them to stop following me when an accident happened a few miles behind me. I pulled back into the driveway and took my helmet off when I saw him.

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