Ch.14-Rot in hell

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My memories as a child flashed before my eyes causing all feelings of pain, anger and self loathing. Every beating and bruise seemed to feel and stretch across my entire body just standing there in front of her.Everyone thought I loved my mother, including my father and grandparents. I've never told anyone my darkest secrets about what my mother did when my families backs were turned or father wasn't home. She'd beat me till I was seeing stars and was on the edge of colorblindness. She mainly spanked me, but once I grew to the young age of 4-5 she started hitting me in the face, chest and arms. I'd get so mad at her and then she'd look down at me and say that I shouldn't have done what I had done to begin with. Some days she'd just come home pissed off and beat me for something I didn't do or was someone else's fault because she received the wrong message. I would be so angry that I would think to myself that one day I will be better than you and bigger so you can't treat me like shit anymore. I would beat you while you slept and kick you where I knew it would hurts you worse than you made me suffer. I'd feel so helpless after she'd leave the room that tears would silently stream down my face just so I wouldn't get caught for it sounding like I was back mouthing her. But now, standing in front of her all of the self loathing and crying was in my past, and she wasn't gonna win this one without a fight back.

"I'm not afraid of you mother, and I never will be."

"Oh but Nearly," She smiled her fangs covered in fresh blood, "You're so much like me, fangs and all. Sure you got the tail and flames and wings from your father, but we're alike."

"I am NOTHING like you. And I never will be," I said shaking my head at her. "You left me to think you were dead and broke fathers heart."

"He was a helpless mortal and he thought you we're his kid, but then I find out that he knew exactly who you were and who you were to become. I had to die in order to leave him, if I killed him then I would have been executed."



"No mother see that's were you're wrong. He was more of a parental figure than you'll ever be. You might as well have been a slut and stripper and still be there for me. I'm in college now and yet you still haven't seen me graduate high school. You were there for prom, or any school function. You didn't teach me how to do my hair or make up or fucking tie my goddamn shoes! But you know who did? My FUCKING FATHER!" I was pissed and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I drew my sword and my entire body lite up in flames and my eyes turned the most soulless and darkest black. She backed up when I spread my wings out from behind me, one as pure as white and angelic the other the blackest demon wing. "I have changed mother and zuez has chosen me. I'm proud to fucking be who I am and you can never change that. I'M THE CHOSEN ONE!" She tripped and fell to the ground and slid across the concrete floor and yelped and growled in pain. I just walked over to her and put my biker boot on her chest and raised my sword. I whispered in demon tongue, "n gpbl nhr je algso. ie n iljhljsl hrl he fpgj mjd geh nj rlbb, zeglwlg.xplx rmi sreilj al he lmh oepg iepb he imwl hreil re mgl lmc mjd wpgl." (I rule with no mercy. So I sentence the to burn and rot in hell, forever. Zuez has chosen me to eat your soul to save those who are weak and pure.-for those who don't speak demon tongue-) "Good bye mother, see you in hell."

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