"help me ass hole" i pulled the dress down her roughly until it finally clicked in place. "i told you not to eat the pizza" i sat back down as she looked at herself in the mirror.
"bitch, it was double cheese i couldn't just let it rot" she turned to face me "now how does it look?"
"you look beautiful sista" i clap. she laughs "yea this one is it" she turns back around.
"finally we are leaving" i pray to the good lord and stand up. "um no you don't have a dress" i saw that one coming.
"we can search later" i shrug. "the dance is tomorrow no!" she yelled.
"okay sorry let's go beverly" i picked up my purse and walk out the dressing room.
"i can't believe you made me suffer all of that" i sit on her couch as she threw the bags into the room. "you'll thank me tomorrow, come on movie marathon?" she raised her brow.
i smile "duh" i stood up and followed bev into her room.
her room was like the best room there could be. a bunk bed, with pictures everywhere of her favorite bands and movies. i loved it in there, i jumped onto the lower bunk as she picked out a movie.
"wait..is there anymore popcorn?" i asked her. she groaned "no i forgot to buy some. i told you to remind me" i shrug. "i forgot you should of reminded me to remind you."
"i hate you so much" she rolls her eyes.
i smile widely as she grabs a movie and slides in into the dvd player.
-time skip-
"so i'll see you tonight right?" stanley asked me. "yea. hopefully" i giggle a bit.
"cool, i'll see you then" he stops walking and so do i. "yea, i'll see you then too" we both smile, he places a kiss on my cheek and walks off.
i mentally scream and continue to walk where i was heading originally. "eddie spaghetti" i smile as i skip down the steps. "call me that one more time and i'm going to hurt you" he shakes his heads.
"oh eddie you love me" i hug him from behind and kiss his cheek. "no, i don't anymore" he crosses his arms.
"it's sad, he was always the shortest one out of us" i looked up and saw bill with richie. "shut up richie" eddie stands up throwing me off balance.
bill grabbed my shoulders and gave me a small push to get my balance up again. "thank you" i laugh quietly and purse my lips.
"hey where's beverly?" i ask bill only assuming he's seen her of course.
"don't know, don't you live with her?"
"i don't live with her, but yea we left together today but i haven't seen her since" i shrug. "maybe getting ready early?" bill suggested.
"um hayley are you still going with stanley?" richie looked down at me. "yea i am. are you still going with tori?"
he sighed and nodded, i crack a smile and shook my head. "just tell her already dude" bill smacked his chest. "tell her what? that i'm madly in love with eddie?" eddies eyes went huge and he looked up at richie.
"joking damn" richie laughs. "i hate you, i'm leaving i have to get ready" eddie fixes his bag and storms out. "i love that kid" i laugh "well i should go. i need to find beverly" i salute them and go off all happy.
i finally found the key under the fucking rock. why is she so difficult, i told her just to give it to me or put it under the mat but nooo she can get robbed.
i put the key in and unlocked the door. "bev i'm back!" i walked in closing the door with my foot. i put my bag down and walked to the living room.
she wasn't there, next!
i walked over to the kitchen which was right across the hall..she wasn't there either. "where is she.." i turned and jogged up the stairs skipping two or one. i opened the door to her room and there she was turned back towards the door crying.
"hey hey hey bev what happened?" i hurried to her side and immediately hugged her. she just cried without responding to my questions.
i rubbed her back and just held her tighter. "bev what happened?"
she lifted her head from my shoulder and wiped her face, she sighed and looked down. "it's about bill" she began to cry again.
oh shit, i saw this coming. "he's an asshole!" she grabbed a pillow and hit a glass vase making it fall and shatter. "oh okay..." i redirected my gaze away from the shattered glass back to her "what did he do?"
it took a minute but she finally spoke up, "he came, he flirted, he talk, he kissed then he hurt! he hurt so bad!" she gripped the bed sheets but i grabbed her hand before she fucking threw the bed with me still on it.
(if i get one more comment of y'all asking 'wtf im confused' i'm deleting this book)
(nr)"bev! okay listen to me" i let go of her hands and grabbed her face. "listen, tonight it's just you and me okay? you are going to go in there, looking beautiful and not giving a fuck about anything!" i say more dramatically to make her crack a smile.
she laughed and nodded "now come on let's gets ready, i don't want to see you crying" i glared at her and stood up slowly from her bed.
"thank you hayley" she stood up as well.
"you're welcome bev, come on i know how long it takes for you to get ready" i laugh.

daddy issues|| richie tozier
Fanfictionits richie tozier lowercase letters intended. mature content! all characters aged up. all credits to IT i guess.